Would Artificial Intelligence replace us?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello out there!
Let's talk some stuff about AI(Artificial Intelligence)!

Have you already heard of the all cool AI stuff? How AI is going to change our lives? Can we stop it? Can we benefit from? Would robots replace us in the near future? Would "they" take our jobs?


I guess most of you know, that AI is better in every feature except one: creativity and imagination. Actually, AI often is more efficient than us. They learn easier, they don't have limits.

Well I am going to try to answer these question here ...

The new AI stuff is gorgeous and creepy as well. Facebook have made a neural network, chatbot, for negotiations with terrorists. There were two chatbots communicating and training theirselves, when they started communicating in a encrypted language, incomprehensible for us, the humans.

For sure, I can guarantee that AI is going to radically change our lives. We can only pray that it would be in a positive direction.

Of course we can't stop it. Nobody, ever, stopped a revolution, right? We just can make it slow down, but that wouldn't help us.

Without doubt we can benefit from it. It would do the boring things for the humans, while we are thinking, while we are creating something. Of course they will take some of our jobs. In my opinion till 2050 there wouldn't be any waiters, cleaners, or cooks for example. Most valuable professions would be: software engineers, designers, lawyers , doctors...


AI Revolution - Definitely there are argues about using AI in the industry. The founder of AliBaba have suggested that every company using robots instead of humans, to pay additional fees and taxes. The industry is going to change. Our known life is going to change. We can't stop it. It isn't going to be like the other known revolutions, it wouldn't be for example like the industrial revolution, no. It is going to be something new, never known to the mankind. The human community would never be the same. It would be radically different. The only thing we can make is to ADAPT. Thanks to adaptability we have survived till today.

Special thanks to @rossenpavlov


Personally I think AI could be either our salvation or the reason we go extinct.
Considering the learning curve and the sheer capacity of a real AI we really just have to hope that it's gonna be good-natured and not trying to eliminate us because if that were to happen we wouldn't stand the slightest chance.

For the taxes part I totally agree and not only the founder of Alibaba but also Bill Gates (the founder of Microsoft) suggested robots to pay taxes.

(Source: https://qz.com/911968/bill-gates-the-robot-that-takes-your-job-should-pay-taxes/)

I support more the idea that they will be the reason we go extinct. The problem is that they may go like individuals. We have to take the Robot Rules from Aizuk Azimov for example...

The problems I see applying the Robot Rules is how do you really enforce them?

If you make something like an "unchangeable" part of its OS to be the Robot Rules and really consider every possibility how the robot may want to change this part you still can't be sure the robot won't find any way to bypass your restrictions not to change its source code. I mean... one AI would be able to do huge thinking operations that would take a human like millions of years in the fraction of a second. How do you believe to outsmart something like that beforehand?

And if you do restrict the AI so much that it really can't rewrite much of its own code you really don't have too much of an AI, do you? You could create a somewhat smart, helping robot but not something with an own consciousness and the ability to think on its own imho.

I guess you are right. It is kind of impossible as you said to outsmart them ... That's why I said that the humanity would never be the same as before...

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I am really glad you like it. Of course I don´t have any concerns. Just tag me there! Cheers!

Glad to see some with a keen interest in AI here, following you for sure!

Thank you!

No problem! :-)

Have you ever heard of H Plus Pedia @duhov? I think you may find it interesting.

Nope I haven't but I will definitely google it!

Yeah, I have checked it. I found it really interesting!

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