A Tale of Warm and Fuzzies

in #life8 years ago

Once upon a time (well a few years back) when I was staying with my grandmother and helping her out, I was outside one early morning, watering my garden. Heard the wee cries of a litter of kittens. Followed the sounds until I located them-- behind the tool shed, next to the fence. Figured mama cat wandered off to eat and would be back before long since the kittens were itty bitty, eyes still closed.

Went about my day, and around lunchtime went back out to check on the kittens. There wasn't any sounds this time. And their mama hadn't returned. I didn't want to touch them or freak the mama cat out, but a) I love cats/kittens and b) silence could either mean they were fed and sleeping or something worse.

Turns out it was something worse. Out of the five kittens, two were dead. The other three, listless and so cold. I bundled them into my shirt, went inside and prepared them a bed out of a cardboard box, a heated blanket and a towel. While they warmed up in their new bed, I went to the store and got kitten-sized bottles and a can of kitten formula. Hurried home to prepare them a nourishing meal.

Fed the three kittens, and they started purring. They were on a baby schedule: feed, sleep two hours, bathroom. Feed, sleep, pee.

One of the remaining kittens didn't make it through the night.

The two that remained were named Master Humperdink P McFuzzlekins and Chewbacca (she sounded like Chewie when she got her first bottle, all Arrrg Arrgggggarrrr, fierce warrior kitty princess!)

Chewie after her bottle

Humphrey (as we came to call Humperdink) was the first to open his eyes.

As they got older, they bonded with me a lot. When I had an accident that killed my mobility, Chewie always would cuddle up.

We had to rehome them when the house had an unfortunate accident (aka the bathroom ceiling caving in) and the insurance company put us in a motel. Pets weren't allowed, and it was hard.... considering we were there for 10 weeks during construction.

I miss my lil furbabies so much, but it's good to know they're happy at their new homes.


Good looking out for those little furballs. Kitties are love with fur.



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