in #life7 years ago

The beginning of understanding

Some people come to the level of realizing that life is a series of fortunate and unfortunate events in which you never stop learning, and other special people come to the point of knowing that they know nothing. These special people read and think a lot.

If you were born yesterday, it's normal for you to lose, make mistakes, but what about those mistakes that change your life drastically? mistakes like having a blessing (babies) without a steady salary? mistakes like ruining your life for a friendship? Mistakes such as catching a deadly disease, getting caught in prison, becoming paralyzed, or even losing your life? Is there any way to avoid them? ironically the answer is YES and NO.


Friendships are a very important point, depending on who you are you must have a certain type of people close by and also depending on who you are you must keep away from others... we can accept someone for something tiny, an attitude, a gesture, a thought, something you probably have too, but in the long run you will unconsciously learn those other things that should not be in your life, even if you do not believe we are all influenceable.

Avoiding bad friendships assures you a successful life, by avoiding bad friendships you stop hearing toxic things that in the long run influence your personality, as well as learning bad habits, vices, as well as you may also avoid going to prison, it is better to be alone than badly accompanied, for 1 they all pay....


  • Saying NO to junk food will make you healthy.

  • Saying NO to eating too much will prevent you from becoming overweight.

  • Saying NO won't make you lose money.

  • Saying NO won't get you involved in anything wrong.

  • Saying NO will not make you get the best friendships.

  • Saying NO is not a very important decision, saying YES, it is to accept the good and the bad, it is to accept anything that crosses your path, it is to accept to cross you in the path of others, the law of murphy, it says:"If something can go wrong, then it will go wrong", so we must be careful.

  • Saying NO is NOT peace, peace that can help you think about how to improve your being.

  • Say NO.

  • Saying NO is not pessimistic when you know what to deny.

The End

So, knowing when to say NO and knowing how to choose your friends, what is left is to think before choosing our decisions, and if you don't want to think or are not sure of something then choose NO immediately, it will always be the best decision to avoid any problems.




La vida no se detiene ni se detendrá jamás para discutir, ni para esperar por tus disquisiciones, dudas, flojeras o pendejadas; el mundo seguirá girando, haga usted algo o no haga nada.

He allí el error de muchos, quienes piensan que las carreras de resistencia y a largo plazo no valen la pena correrlas.

Muchos prefieren las cosas inmediatas y a corto plazo para terminar cansados en sus tontas carreras de velocidad para no lograr nada, esperando no se qué, mientras el tiempo los consume irremediablemente.

Si usted salió tarde, NO por mucho correr, usted llegará más temprano, el tiempo perdido es tiempo perdido e irrecuperable.

Lo mejor es salir temprano e ir poco a poco avanzando inteligentemente, porque el tiempo siempre dirá la última palabra; y mientras, se ejecutan las debidas acciones encaminadas a alcanzar el éxito.

El tiempo perdido será simplemente eso: TIEMPO PERDIDO. No intente recuperarlo, porque eso JAMÁS ocurrirá, y tan solo obtendrá FRUSTRACIONES.

Sigue poco a poco con mucha paciencia, porque poco a poco con disciplina, educación, honestidad, trabajo, constancia, compromiso e inteligencia, será que podrá alcanzar las metas.

Te dije que te votarían aunque fuera poco xdxdxd

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