One day...

in #life7 years ago




Like only a privileged middle-class white man on a diet can be.

The fasting diet works for me. But just before dinner time, that's when it hits.

And I think to myself, I am doing this for health reasons. I am doing this because I want to live a longer life. I want to be a dad to Ms 8 for many years to come.

And I think, what if I had no choice? Like so many humans before me, what if I simply couldn't' eat if there was no food? What if there was a drought? No plants? No seeds, no berries?

No animals (I guess there were not many vegetarians/pescatarians by choice 1000 years ago...).

What if the meagre amount of food available was for my child, because, of course.

And I think, there are people today around the world in this predicament. All around the world, including Australia.

And I think.

And I think.

And I am grateful. And I don't understand those who would deny food for others because they don't like paying tax, or think that government is bad.

And I think...

Maybe get on board Manna - details below.

May all beings be happy.

✨ 👽 ✨

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@drwom footer by the awesome @ryivhnn !!


Register for Universal Basic Income here:

Screen Shot 2018-03-12 at 12.45.33 pm.png


Short but strikes the heart. Good post @drwom! Maybe we should give more to those who are in need shouldn't we?

Finding a way that works for you is the best way - and doing it 🙃

Very colossal writing skill @drowm...
There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread

Thanks prince121 🙂

Excelente reflexión.
............. Y si entro en ayuna
podrán alimentarse los niños de Kenia o de Zimbawe
............ Si entro en ayuna
mis hijos podrán tener un bocada


Gratitude gratitude
Yes many fast with no choice and don’t have the liberty of choosing what type of diet they have because survival means eating what they can get.

Want to be vegan, don’t like this and that??? Those choices are for privelidged people.

So many of us don't know how lucky we are.

In our life why we have not a look arround us the people surviving in poor conditions even they cant eat 2 times in a day. Its really need to have a promise with ourself to secrifice for those people

Yes - but I know it can be hard. We all seem to struggle a bit with the life we have.

Yeah, Fasting is not just good for the body but also for the soul.

You say details below, but there are no details, just posters. So, what is manna? I've seen the poster's people have, but no-one actually says any Details!

Use the link :-) It's all there!

Register for Universal Basic Income here:

I confess I'm one of the people you describe as having modified her brain into that search for fast and easy comfort. Even though I like to think and read, my brain refuses to do it unless I force it to. I've used Steemit a lot for this. I for one write poems, so I also travel the poetry tag and read poems and comment on them. Sometimes, I use the poems on Steemit to inspire myself to write my own lol. So I post them as comments and then post them as full posts. It feels like cheating sometimes but it works lol.

Right now I'm reading my first e-book in some months. I'm very proud. Steemit helped me achieve this. I don't think I could have achieved it on my own. I even go to the gym and exercise, I spend time away from the screen, but I was accustomed to not thinking, to talking to people, to finding quick satisfaction in my activities. Drawing a quick picture, writing a quick story.

After I finish this light e-book, I want to go for some classics. I hope my mind will let me. :)

Enjoy 🌞

wow amazing photography love your posts....resteem done

No thank you 😊

Very good contribution and very impressive picture.

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