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RE: My neighbor wanted to be my white savior and that’s why I moved

in #life7 years ago

It's amazing how similar our approaches are, yet for different reasons. I by no means want to pretend that as a white man my concerns for the safety for my family are equivalent to yours. However, I too have relocated to the fringes of society to prevent prying eyes and the "good hearted help" of those whose self righteous meddling can lead to problems. I can see my neighbor's house, but it's a decent way away. We are quite cordial, even friendly, but we never mix. They have kindly invited us over for a beer and hot dog... we've never accepted. We aren't interested in being monitored or hassled. We speak little of our beliefs and behaviors... not because they are in any way criminal, but because we don't trust that others will agree with how we choose to live our lives. In a world of tolerance, which is only tolerant of those who believe the same way, we choose non participation. We remain cloaked and try to stay under the radar. I always love spirit thumping people who know what is best for you, especially when they don't abide by the basic tenants of their own proclaimed faith. People laugh about helicopter parents... I just smile, a bit coldly, and assure them I am an AH-64 Apache' gunship helicopter parent. My children are off limits to proselytizing whether religious or political or whatever. Sell your snake oil elsewhere. My persona in public is serious and dark. I don't want people to try and befriend me, to seek opportunities to inspect my life and family choices. My children have been raised to give the same "soothe the white guy" smile and disengage... and look for assistance. For 6 of them, being African or African American plays a role in that necessity. For all, it is because we have beliefs that are not threatening, but some are not appreciated in our current culture. They are raised to be self protective. It is sad, but can't be avoided. I hate so much that some self important individual would pervert the love of faith to use it as a weapon. Notching his belt... adding another "save" to his resume'. Attending a church that has a sign up at the front that shows how many are in attendance, because numbers are what faith is dependent on. These people need to feel the repercussions of their toxic and terroristic behavior. We need to stand up for one another against bullying of any sort. I am glad you found physical refuge. It's the same decision I felt forced to make, and have never looked back.


100% upvote on this comment. It is HARD out there. You are doing what you can. I’m so sad your kids have to know the smile and to look for help, so sad you need to be guarded but glad you choose that safety for your family.

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