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RE: My Biggest Life Lesson (Challenge by @drpuffnstuff)

in #life6 years ago

indeed, thanks for sharing. I always liked to think of those times as the times I destroyed the house I was building to restore the foundation so I can build a better house. When it was all bad, I had demolished the house I built, when it got worse, I was cracking holes in the foundation of my house. Then when things could only get better, I can patch the foundation and try to build a better house for myself. Its amazing how many times I have been back to the foundation. It always gets better, or my ability to deal with it and thrive gets better. Thanks for entering my little challenge. You are appreciated!


Upon further inspection, new cracks are always found, and your proficiency at repairing them becomes second nature!

you sir, are appreciated as well. Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of this with you!

Thats why you are rocking the skill saw in the picture right, becoming a pro at repairing your foundation and framing so you can build something that will stand the rest of your life lol!

I became pretty good with a skill saw! I helped construct some foundations as a young lad, and worked roofing jobs here and there, but in truth, I was miserable. I am not a fan of manual labor. I prefer to work with my mind, utilizing problem solving techniques.

That being said, I'm am not against manual labor. It does derive a sense of accomplishment when you complete construction.

I also heard a quote along the way sometime in my life, it goes like this :

When the body suffers, the soul flourishes.

As a man who served as a Marine, and busted my ass with construction to make ends meet, I understand very well the meaning of this quote. Such profoundness, encapsulated in a few short words.

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