Our Roadtrip So Far - Nashville, Tennessee -> Kingdom City, Missouri

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Happy Easter, peeps!

...See what I did there?

How has your Easter been? We've been on the road pretty much all day. We left Nashville around 8:30, and we're currently in a small town in Missouri. Our original plan was to drive to Kansas City for the night, but mother nature had other plans. After we passed through St. Louis, we ran into a bit of a snow storm. It started out as just some sleet, then snow...then actual sticky snow. We pulled over at a gas station for about 5 minutes, and when we came out everything had a layer of white. It was so quick! Over the next few miles, it got worse and worse. We were doing about 20mph on the interstate when we decided it would be a good time to stop for supper/dinner. While we were eating, the plows came through and the snow stopped. Yay! ...not so fast. Right before we left, the snow started again and it was worse. It took no time for the road to be covered again and we were doing 15-20mph on the interstate. It took us hours just to get from where we ate to our hotel. I can't tell you how many wrecks we passed. I can tell you driving a loaded down Kia Soul in the snow wasn't the highlight on my day, especially since the back on the car was so weighed down with the trailer we spun just trying to get going. We had a few frightening moments, but we made it. We're 2 hours outside of Kansas City which was our target, so we will see how the rest of the trip goes.

Today we went through Kentucky, Illinois, and Missouri. I already knew what Kentucky looked like, i've been there plenty of times. Illinois look just like Kentucky and Tennessee, it had so much farm land! We came across a point in Illinois where everything was flooded.Many trees were under water, along with power lines sitting in water. It was crazy!

Missouri was kind of cool, driving over the bridge in St Louis and seeing the arch was pretty spectacular! Luckily the traffic wasn't horrible because we went through before rush hour. Tomorrow we're hoping to cover the rest of Missouri, Nebraska, and most of Wyoming. No more snow please!



WhatsApp Image 2018-04-01 at 14.40.01.jpeg

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What a novelty to get through 3 states in one day! I'm used to traveling through Montana, which can take a day and a half all by itself. LOL Glad you survived the snowy mess. We had some Easter snow here, too , but only a little bit.

Haha, funny! I have not been to Montana yet, this will be my first time. Thanks, us too. Spring hasn't sprung yet!

Wow,amazing post

posting is very extraordinary and beautiful very word that is set to be made in the reflection

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