From NY to California- Going on a Road Trip from East to West! (Feat. @therealpaul)

in #life6 years ago

Who doesn't love a good road trip?

2017-07-08 02.16.40.jpg

If you raised your hand, put it down fast- You'll look quite silly and very boring!

Life is a highway, and we're gonna drive it....

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...As the title states, I am going on a road trip from NY to California, and these are some of the things you can expect to see from me on this road trippin' jubilee:

First stop the Arkansas Ozarks and @therealpaul! That's right folks, two of your favorite steemians and a friendship you have watched grow and thrive in cyber space will be colliding in the real world!

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Can't wait to hug you my friend!

After some amazing days in the Ozarks, which will include brilliant conversation (naturally), beers and herb (of course), and other cool stuff (can't give everything away!) We will then be heading off across Oklahoma to our second stop-


Aztec New Mexico! Why there you ask? Well, it's on our way to other destinations, and happens to have some ancient Aztec ruins dating back NINE HUNDRED YEARS. (I didn't know there was anything that old in this fishbowl experiment called the U.S.of A, cool right?) And I have never seen the desert, so major bonus!

Some days pass and on to our third destination: Flagstaff Arizona! A nice central location for us to see sites like-


-the Grand Canyon, woot! Along with a big meteor crater, the petrified forest and a piece of the 'painted' desert. Don't know what that is? Well stay tuned to my blog to find out!

Then onward to Santa Cruz California- ah Cali, I have always wanted to meet you!


Lots of stuff to see here, from the white sands of Monterey to the Redwoods and Sequoias...bound to be an unforgettable visit.

Then from there we're heading North into Oregon and up the coast of Washington state- much of this we have left unplanned for now, we always love some spontaneity on our trips, but rest assured whatever we see in these two magnificent states as well as the trip back across the northern part of the US will be fantastic!

Okay, so I have some last minute packing to do and I better get to it-

We leave in the morning- See you on the road!

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Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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Hey that's me in the title! I am excited to see you and to meet the dreemit gang. Thinking about that drive, I'm remembering how looong PA is geographically, and then Tennessee happens, and goes on, and on. I'm guessing you are in TN now, Smokey Mts. maybe! Will talk later, or tomorrow, have fun til then!

No Tennessee, we did get to do the smoky mountain drive when coming from Florida to the Ozarks, but from where we are it takes us through Ohio then Indiana and Illinois- which we are going to cross into shortly. It's looking like we'll be to you somewhere around five or six in the evening- I'll text you when we're getting close ;)

Who doesn't love a good road trip?

Raises both feet... in ANARCHY!! I can't believe it's finally happening! I knew this was coming months before, but I'm sadly ill-prepared! My sis will finally catch a rare sighting of Paul, and Paul will finally know that DREEMS do come true!

I've always wanted to make that cross-country trip myself, but for now I will live vicariously through your posts! Exclamations aplenty! This is an event for the ages! Happy trip, dreem team! Say hi to Paulie B for me!

One day there will be posts about you coming to see me! But yes, I've caught that rare sighting, will definitely say HI for you bro! xo!

Is he how you imagined he'd be or better? :D

That sounds epic! How long do you expect to be away?

From four to six weeks, basically once the travel money reaches a point of what we need to get back home, lol! I'll still be posting, though I'm sure it might be a bit harder at certain times. So excited!

This sounds like a great trip! I can't think of the Grand Canyon without thinking about the National Lampoon's Family Vacation. haha

Hey there! Lol!! I completely agree. Chevy's such a perv, haha!

Haha Total perv!

That sounds like the makings of an awesome story :D Be careful going through the desert, make sure you have all the fuel and water and things (yeh I'm a tad paranoid I'm sure you know what you're doing XD) Have fun!


Haha, no worries, we'll be safe, and we will definitely have fun! Thanks luv! xo

I just spotted @therealpaul'S post, and your imminent arrival.
This trip sounds amazing!
I have given him instructions to give you a big hug from me. I'm jealous. Have a great trip xxxxx
Travelling through the desert sounds beautiful. We travelled from west to east of Australia , a long time ago. We cheated and put our crappy car on the back of a train for half of the distance. A straight line for 3 days, fabulous open space, occasional camel or emu, lots of red sand.

Oh! I am so jealous! Road trips are my things and from NY to California you can get to see some amazing paysages!!!Also, what an honor to meet @therealpaul
Light up one for me!

It is definitely an honor to meet him, and we shall burn one in your honor!!

You just packing? My bags are packed and at the door.

Seriously though, I need one of such trips.


I Think its great adventure for you. have a nice day and carry on your journey!

Thank you, I certainly will!

Fantastic road trip this seems it was more fun and amazing :D

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