A New Song by the Ever Amazing Ed Iseley (aka dreemit's awesome brother ;)for his Nora Bell; Her first birthday, and an Update on my Dad

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Last week I explained the reason I haven't been my usual self in terms of community engagement. Friday was supposed to be the day my dad had a full work up, biopsy, etc., to determine the full extent of his condition, unfortunately that didn't happen- because Thursday night he ended up in the hospital after my mom took his blood pressure and heart rate to find them both extremely high. She'd been wanting him to go in for a couple days due to some pretty serious sounding congestion, but he's a stubborn man and, like most people, does not relish spending time in hospitals.

As it turned out, not only did he have pneumonia, his left lung was so bogged down with fluid it was nearly collapsed and to top it off he was suffering from sepsis. They measured his heart rate at 178 beats a minute, he was placed in the ICU, and they inserted a tube to begin removing the fluid. In the midst of this we heard something we could have really done without- they saw something on the lung that could potentially be a tumor. Again we won't know until he has his re-scheduled appointment.

Sadly this hospital stay means that they missed the first birthday of my niece- my brother's first child- something they'd been really looking forward to, as up until about last Wednesday my dad had been feeling good. In fact they even went to the new Thor movie last Monday.

Dad with Nora Belle on Thanksgiving weekend

But my dad is a bright side kind of guy, and he commented that this should mean he'll be clear for the holidays.

Okay, so this is super frustrating- I took a million pictures of the birthday party but I lost the cord that connects my camera to my laptop, so I had to steal these pictures from my sister-in-law's facebook page- ah well, at least they are super adorable, and she was the focus of course (but I would have liked to throw in some pictures of the small crowd of guests :)






And here it is, the song my brother wrote for his baby girl!

Also, I will be doing a post devoted to my brother's music soon since he is going back to the studio to record his second album, woot!!

"December 12":

Generously created for me by @son-of-satire

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That's a happy-looking kid! I appreciate the update, I was wondering what yer pop was thinking about all this, sounds like he's got the right mindset.

He's taking it better than the rest of us. He says he's fine with 'going home', the only thing that bothers him is making his loved ones sad. He just told Pastor Bill, who lost his wife a few years ago, "Looks like I get to give Rosie a big kiss before you do, nah, nah, nah poo poo." Yeah, off color humor, and ridiculously silly humor. He's lost a bit of his quick wit in the past few years due to all the meds they have him on, but his humor remains in tact.

The hospital staff loves him. He's been in the hospital so many times in the past few years that they all know him by name, and when they hear he's been admitted, even if they're working different floors they find an excuse to come see him. Last time he was there one of the PT's was on vacation-or had taken vacation time I should say since he didn't leave the area- but when he heard my dad was there he came in to see him.

Hey @dreemit. I haven't been around for a while and I decided to pop back in. I'm sorry to hear what has happened regarding your father but I hope all goes well!

All these photographs are absolutely adorable and there is nothing better than Ed's singing haha

Hey Jake!! Wow, yes it has been awhile, I'm glad you checked in so I can start checking in on you again :)

Thank you!

I finally signed back on to Steemit not realizing how fast time really flies -- NINE DAYS -- I can honestly say I know what you're going through. There was one year my father was in the hospital in critical condition with pneumonia and a side of sepsis, and we suspect it was from complications of cellulitis (among other things). At the same time, my baby sister was in a different hospital way across the county giving birth to her first child, and that morning I had been to yet a different hospital with my eldest son for minor injuries. It was like the trifecta... And it was about the week of Christmas.

I have very valid reasons why I hate December and don't celebrate the holidays.

In any event, my dad pulled through that year and he got to spend time with his new grandbaby; celebrating Christmas a couple weeks late. Continued thoughts and prayers are up for your entire family. HUGS.

Yup, it always seems to come in threes.
I know what you mean about time, in fact, I remember that from last year, how you don't celebrate Christmas. Which means you and I had met before then. What's mind blowing about that, is for a period when I first joined steemit rather than time flying it actually slowed way down. Because I also remember that you made a post about me, well about newbies, but you focused on me (because we were instant kindreds of course) the new girl on fire, haha, and how I had slipped in under your radar. For some reason it felt like a long time between when I had joined until when you made that post but I'm now realizing it couldn't have been more than two, maybe three weeks tops since I joined on November 28th. Those first few months of steemit brought back the magic of being a kid again in so many ways, and one of the most profound was the slow down of time.

But where have you been woman? It's not the same without you, one of my few close female friends on here.

I'll take the hugs. My dad returned from the hospital and then just before they were going to reschedule his testing things went south again. He's been in there since Monday and only just figured out last night that it might be something to do with his heart, that there are signs of congestive heart failure, so now those are the tests they are running. My poor dad, he really can't catch a break, it's been one thing after another for the past several years. Mom told me that she had been worried that after they drained the fluid that had once more built in his lungs they were going to send him home like they had last time and she actually felt that if they did that we were going to end up losing him because she knew in her soul something more was going on.
I think about my mom, who has been by his side for over fifty years, and how it will be for her and sometimes I can't breathe at the thought of a world without him in it, but more specifically without them together.
I haven't been religious for a long time, but my parents are, my mom especially. I remembered a song from my days of listening to Christian music, and this one we really gets me:

Great voice. Stay strong!

He does, and thank you!

Interesting, nice vocal texture, I love the pitch at which the guitar is tuned, and dat was done on my favourite key too.
Will hang around for more!👍

This song is so sweet ... Great job

Thanks, I will pass that along to my brother :)

My pleasure :D

I think that the reason I loved reading your post is because of the strong love that comes across for your father, your niece and family.

Having lost my father, I know what you are going through and am hoping, with all my might, that he recovers and has at least a few years of loving and being loved by his grandaughter.

Having his family stand by him must be what is giving him the strength to fight. Has your brother written a song for him?

EDIT: lol, tried to hear the song but it would not play (html5), I do not allow Flash or Java, so I had to download the video. Lovely song, so I'm glad to have it. Is it called "Won't be the same, even again" or "Swept me up like a hurricane"?

wow this made my day so amazing :D

That is indeed great song :)
Happy Birthday NORA :)

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