
Well now. That took me back. I started my computer days running TRSDOS in the early 80's and did not get into MS-DOS 3.0 until I went to collage in the late 80's. That was back in the day when my TRS-80 Model IV had a mind staggering 128Kb of memory, no hard drive and two 360K floppy disk drives for $2500CDN in 1984! I had to buy a graphics board for $150 just to get 640x480 graphics capability on my green mono-screen.

I learned how to use visicalc, the first spreadsheet, Scriptsit for word processing and Disk Basic for programming the darn thing. I wrote my own space invaders game, which may seem trivial now, but was way cool back then!

I also had a maze program and attempted to program a three dimensional engine to move through the maze. Too bad I gave up on that little project. I could have done well as the idea was years ahead of any of the three dimensional games that came out later on.

We have come a long way and I marvel at the progress over the last 40 years!

Yes, my very first video game was pong!

Which I played on our black and white TV which looked something like this:

Nice post! Thank you for taking me back through memory lane!

Awesome man, old school. Pong you say? My first gaming was on the legendary Atari 2600 and my friend's ZX Spectrum. I miss those chiptunes.

lol. Those were the days. Simplicity and we still had fun! Most people would be bored to tears playing them now. hahaha


The foundation for everything technical I know today began in MS-DOS 5, on a 486 with 2MB of memory. I skillfully tweaked my config.sys and autoexec.bat to make this machine run like a champ. Today, I too am woefully resigned to Windows 10 and all it's shortcomings.

And let's not forget, with version 3.11 it became Windows for Workgroups, highlighting the advent of local PC networking.

This was a great recounting of the painful growing pains of Windows, thanks for putting this together and sending me off reminiscing.

We have seen technology move from generation to generation, now we don't even know what next to expect.
Just when we are getting use to a old software another shows up. We must keep following the trend to be up to day. It good to hear you now run on windows 10, but hope these guys aren't planning on releasing windows 11 or 12 soon.

Wow you reminded me of Windows 3.1 (memory folder loading right now), that was the one 'for workgroups' wasn't it? I can remember when Win95 arrived and it was epic (right on point the comment about installing the us robotics modem... it had some issues with the first 3dfx video cards lol) 😂 😂 😂, haven't used a pc in a while but the last one I saw yeah the desktop looked like a tablet 😕

US Robotics, 3Dfx... old school words. I still have my first 3Dfx card, that thing was a huge beast, at some point I couldn't fit it in my computer, I had to swap some other cards around. Sadly, computers are mainly turning into phones and tablets nowadays. But nothing can beat a desktop PC.

Technology keep on making life easy everyday. Though there are still some features in window 7 that i cannot just forget but we just have to step up in technology.

Thanks for refreshing brain through this post

i was pretty young but i remember the little paperclip helper that would pop up😂😂

OMG that thing... DISABLED IT. Now we have Cortana (M$ thinks the users are still stupid), 10000000x more annoying.

haha in 10 more years we will probably have a hologram that pops up in real world situations with" tips and hints "🤣

We did come a loooong way. I was Mind blown when I first saw 3.11. The memories !!

Ah, I can remember lots of fond memories with my Windows 98. My family skipped 95 so I was using 3.1 for years. Everything about 98 blew my mind. The ability to watch a VCD on a computer was ground breaking in the family. We would all watch VCDs on the computer instead of the TV lol

I have my old laptop from uni that has windows 95 on it and it wasn't colour, does that count? I remember I was one of the first few people to have a laptop and I tried bringing it to class to take notes and the stares and the sound of typing was too distracting, today I am sure it would be more odd to take notes on paper with a biro!

I'm still amazed by my phone being such a powerful computer. It makes me wonder what technology actually exists already, as they say the military usually has tech that is 25 years ahead of what is released.

You know, plasma TV's for example existed from the early 80's (very expensive), but it wasn't until the early 2000's that they became popular (for a while, until LCD TV took over) with the advent of HDTV. The cellphone was invented in 1973, and only got mainstream in the late 90's. Even when the laser was invented in the 50's, nobody could find any application for it... today, we can't imagine our technologies without lasers! It's all about usefulness at the right time.

It's so true. Right now I currently am still using windows 7 as it is my preferred choice :)

Wait until you upgrade the hardware :(

I hate windows 10 so much.
It sucks and is unstable, and they didn't include a way to adjust touchpad sensitivity until recently, that is some basic shit right there. Mostly I hate it for killing my old computer though. I was happily using XP and then the fucking windows 10 virus killed my whole computer. That shit is not right.

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