Are you going to be a Mr. ‘I don’t feel like it’ or step up?

in #life6 years ago

Everybody wants to be successful but nobody wants to do the work. Are you a Mr. ‘I don’t feel like it?’

Put in the extra work to standout? ... “I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT”

Put in more effort so you can gain experience faster and do better than your competitors? ....“I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT”

Go over and above to deliver more value than everyone else? ... “I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT”

Put waaaay more time into your cover letter and job application process to completely stand out from the rest? ... “I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT”

Still give 100% when no one else is watching? ... “I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT”

Make the tough decision that you know will put you in massive uncertainty...

Still give 100% when you’re tired, not feeling the best, or not in the best mood... “I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT”

Follow the crowd and not do your best because ‘no one else is’.

Everyone wants easy. But easy doesn’t standout. Easy will not get you the success you want. And that’s the problem with Mr. ‘I don’t feel like it’... he should not expect extraordinary results if he’s not willing to put in extraordinary effort.

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