ME before all of YOU... or rather YOU before all of ME...

in #life8 years ago

There is opposition in all things and well it is just how life is.

Life can be really horrible at times. We go through really tough times and struggle a lot, crying out for help but with no answer...

In a similar way we experience life, what it has to offer everyday to every person. Everyone has hard times some more than others and life has a funny way of kicking you even harder when you are already down.

Now also, life as we know, can be super amazing, provide us with so many wonderful things and opportunities.

Growing up

This doesn't mean getting older. Not all people that are older are wiser, some are even still childish or react to certain things in a childish manner.

Problems that are faced by that person can do 2 things to them, both could be considered negative, but one can be seen as positive.

First, it can scare or destroy them as a person making them withdraw from reality and leaving them empty.

Second, it can develop a more mature person and a stronger person. How the second can be seen negatively is it can rob a persons childhood fun.

In general Africa and the children that grow up here are forced through these 2 things. Both negatively impact them as they have to become adults at a much younger age


Well there is 2 ways in looking at this as well. Some are born into poverty or circumstances lead to it.

Either way poverty is a state of a person and not the state of what they might have. I have seen people experiencing poverty and I believe that some it is self inflicted on them.

Some of the happiest people live in poverty and if you think about it they are actually really rich. Few people find true happiness in life. They try their best everyday to make the best of everyday. To try provide a better future for themselves and for those around them.

Others, no matter how hard you try to help them, they will never get out of this state. Once poverty has become the state of mind in a person. The only way they can change is them to change themselves.

You can give this person everything, you can give them a job, if that person doesn't want to help themselves you won't be able to help them either.


We are all people. We all are humans and are similar to one another. When someone has more than another person, in whatever way it might be, the natural thing to do is get jealous.

Isn't there a better way? Instead of having this jealousy and anger or even greed ,for this other persons success, can't we just try to be like them and applaud them for their success.

Jealousy can consume you into a state where anything someone does, even if it is helping others, you look at it negatively and find fault in it.

In conclusion

You might be wondering why my heading isn't related to anything I have spoken about so far?
Well when going through life and hard times or even good times what do we thing of? ourselves or others? When we face problems who do we turn to or blame? ourselves or others?

Do we ever stop to consider another person? Do you change they way you do things to help someone else out? Do you change yourself for the benefit of another person? Do you help someone out even though you need help yourself?

When we do things is it for our own gain or for someone else? Are you the only important person in your life?

What would the world be like if everyone just lived and did things for themselves? Or what would it be like if everyone lived for each other?

What do you leave behind when you are gone?


Hey dragonslayer109,

I wanted to take some time and first of all: Thank you for featuring my post the last days. I followed your posts for some time now and have to say that I feel the same way as you do. Glad to have you here! Hope to see more from you and it would be an honor to make some work together with you soon if you like :)
Just contact me, you are welcome

You inspired me so I had to write a little post :)

Thank you for your kind words

Thank you @dragonslayer109 , practical points.
In my down moments I also find much comfort from scripture, and it helps me get through my everyday life.
Keep posting!

I find, music can also help get someone through those tough times.

Great post. I visited a place called Tondo which is close to Manilla in the Philippines. I went there with my girlfriend i had met in Hong Kong. Her family lived in Tondo. This place is complete poverty and life's a struggle, but the people embraced me and i found happiness while being with them. There was no flash hotels, no restaurants , no showers, you had to pump the water from a well every morning and use buckets to wash. But they showed me that you don't need money to have happiness, it is more about family and friends and coming together and working as a community to survive. I also met many that had great inspirations to leave the slums of Tondo and become successful, and many did. So anything is possible. .....anyway went off on a bit of a tangent,lol..just wanted to share that.

thank you for sharing that. Here some people don't have showers or hot water but they showed me how they use a bucket and heated it on a fire and put holes in it to shower under. Even with very little they can still make the best of things

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