3 Most Common Excuses Which Are Barriers To Success And Ways How To Break Them. (Featuring @princewahaj as author)

in #life8 years ago (edited)

We all dream for success in our favourite fields. But the problem is, some people only dream about success and use excuses when it comes to practical life and specially when it comes to show what they got. Success is correlated with talent, confidence and patience.

Some of them think that success is just a matter of days or weeks. They start to work on what they are dreaming but after 3-4 weeks, they say "Huh, I got nothing from my efforts" and then they start to make some ridiculous excuses like I don't have the talent or I am not just lucky or if you go to correct their mistakes, they reply "I can't change myself, I am who I am".

Image Source: Gig

But let me tell you something today, those excuses are unseen barriers to your success. If you want to become something, then do not "dream" it. Come on man, you're supposed to "make it happen". Only losers rely on dreams. Winners are only those who start putting efforts and move forward with patience and make it happen.

Lets look on 3 excuses in-depth, and in case if you're a victim of making such excuses too, then I will also indicate what to do to get rid of such excuses.

1- I Can't Change Myself - I Am Who I Am

Image Source: MensHealth

When your friends point out your mistakes that you are doing something wrong, and they indicate your weakness which are found within yourself, then you might probably reply: "I can't change myself, I am who I am". That's at-least what I can expect from majority of people.

Majority of people have self-pride within themselves and they consider themselves as best and think that no one can do any unique thing than them, and yet we see that they make horrible mistakes, get the most kicks on their back continuously and when we go and explain what is wrong with them, they start to get mad on us and reply in rude manners "I can't change, I am who I am, you just want to see me down because you're jealous"

I would like to clear my point, I am talking about majority. I believe that there are lot of good people who do not believe in self-pride and they understand that human often do mistakes but let me point out one more thing! mistakes are expected by human and we all do mistakes but they become errors when we justify those mistakes with some non-sense logics.

Such attitude is a barrier towards success. A person should keep an open mind, and should embrace criticism because criticism is what helps to understand what we are doing wrong. If a person think that he is perfect, then he might never be able to become a better and successful person.

Basically, the sentence "I can't change, I am what I am" is often delivered in two senses. One person might say this sentence in sad mood because he experienced something really bad and can't figure out what to do. And another person might say this sentence in self-pride.

For those who experienced some bad times, then know that every problem has a solution. You know what? you can change yourself, and it is just a matter of few days or weeks (or might take longer depending on how much change you need within yourself). You just need to sit alone for an hour, contemplate on few things and ask your loyal friends about yourself that do they see anything bad in you or not. And if you contemplated enough, and still going through hard-time, then know that you don't need to change. You just need to continue to fight with the time because hard times come to every person.

The success depends on how high you bounce when you hit bottom. Hard times help you to understand what kind of person you are. If you're successful (or wanna be successful) then you will never give up and you will always stay optimist and hopeful for good upcoming time.

What to do?

  • Accept constructive criticism.
  • Analyse your actions and measure your mistakes.
  • Do not be upset with your past, be prepared for today and future.
  • If you've a close and loyal friend or even a family member, then ask for critics.

"Be patient, work hard and consistently, have faith in your writing, and don't be afraid to listen to constructive criticism" - Jonathan Galassi

Quote Source: BrainyQuote

2- I am not as lucky as them

Image Source: CareerAddict

Some of you might have used this excuse already, and it often happens when some of your friends become successful in business and you say, "I am just not as lucky as them". You're doing few big mistakes which you might not even be aware of.

First mistake, you are under-estimating the efforts of your friend who just became successful because you just think that its all connected with luck. Let me question you about your mindset, do you think that money will come from the sky for you? like rain? I don't know what will your friend think if he hear that sentence from you that "you're lucky, I'm not as lucky as you".

Second mistake is your belief and misconception. It is true that your success depends on your luck but do you know what is in your luck? Did you read your luck somewhere? No one knows the future in this world. As a human, our duty is to strive, do hard-work with some smartness and take steps forward and stay patiently for the result. Success will come your way for sure because hard-work always bears fruit.

Such excuses are barrior towards your success. Believe me, you can become a great person of the world, you just need to drop such an attitude. Such attitude can never lead towards success. If your friend became successful in something, then go congratulate him, then see him as your inspiration and start your hard-work. That's how success comes.

What to do?

  • Make a plan
  • Stay dedicated
  • Make someone your inspiration
  • Keep working on your plan with patience

"We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort." - Jesse Owens

Quote Source: BrainyQuote

3- I don't have the talent for it

Image Source: TeleGraph

So, you're a youtube addictive, browsed many videos of successful businessmen, and you continuously saying to yourself "I just don't have the talent for it"? If yes then continue reading below.

First of all, let me clear a common misconception about talent. Some people think that talent is some kind of ready-made thing which a person get from the day of birth or in the womb of mother which should start working immediately. But that's partially true. Talent is natural. Every person is talented to some thing but the key is in finding your talent. A person have to dig, explore and find the talent which is found within himself. You need to search for talent which comes with time and efforts you put into something which catches your interest because most often than not, most people have talent on their favorite fields only.

If you're keep complaining and excusing that "I just don't have the talent" then let me ask you, have you ever tried to master in any specific field you have interest in? and if you tried, then for how long? because if you have done everything properly then it is impossible to not get your talent explored, because guess what? every person is talented for sure. The work is to explore it and bring it outside.

What to do?

  • Select a field which you could enjoy working in, choose from any of your hobby.
  • Affirm yourself that you will be successful with time.
  • Affirmation is not enough. Continuous hard-work is required.
  • Develop "Never Give Up" attitude within yourself.

"Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn" - Harriet Beecher Stowe

Quote Source: BrainyQuote

Those were 3 common excuses used by some people, and even I witnessed such excuses among my friends, corrected them and fortunately they accept crictism just like you did today. If you're not one of such excusers, then please have a cup of sweet coffee and enjoy because you have some great things to accomplish in near future.

Anyways, I really hope that you liked my post and enjoyed it. I will greatly appreciate if you take your time to follow me at @princewahaj . Thank you for spending your time with me. Have a nice day.

@dragonslayer109 features authors to promote new authors and a diversity of content. ALL STEEM Dollars for this post go to the featured author

Don't just follow me, follow the author as well, if you like their post - @princewahaj. Thank you


1- I Can't Change Myself - I Am Who I Am

An example: When you go 15 years single... you cannot say I look for someone who loves me since I am, if in 15 years and nobody has loved you this way ... maybe it is a moment to think of changing we!

2- I am not as lucky as them

The luck is an attitude, if your you look at the world of a positive way ... the world will return a smile to you!

3- I don't have the talent for it

Nobody is born knowing, the talent is a long way, only it is necessary to be brave to give the first step

Regards SteemAddicts!

Hard work , a positive mental attitude and a belief in yourself is all you need to make it in any walk of life , with a little luck thrown in for good measure : )

Talent comes with time and efforts you put into something which catches your interest.

I don't agree with that, but I understood the hard work is the only important "goal". Success will come eventually. If not, you still have the "new you" developed. And this is more important than the success.

What I meant was, "if you have interest in something, then you'll be motivated to do more there instead of working on those things which just cause frustration and boring feelings.".

You're right about the central idea. There is no doubt that hard-work pays off, and success will come eventually for sure. And just like you mentioned a very beautiful point, at-least we will have lot of good changes in our personality through hard-work.

Yeah, I understood you from the beginning. :) It just sound strange "talent comes with efforts", because you can have a talent or you can work hard to compensate for the lack of talent. :)

Well you're right. I had to make it more clear. But no problem, will add 2-3 lines now by requesting dragonslayer

Nice that was a great read! Lots of work went into that I can tell!

Thanks, and that's true. It took several hours to write :)

I think most of us could say that we have thought each one of these excuses. I still say "Life is against me" sometimes LOL

Yeah, we all used such excuses in past, but the key is to not repeat those excuses. But it will still happen sometimes, we're human and fall in excuses naturally sometimes. :)

@princewahaj your article is really good!
Do you ever use the chat? I'd like to talk! You have good ideas.
You're filled with wisdom, and I like that.

Thank you very much for your kind words. I highly appreciate those beautiful words. I use steemit.chat almost daily and just dropped a message to your message box there.

We must not forget that to succeed in life, this depends to a large proportion of the preparation and the wealth of knowledge, I would say that it is essential in this globalized world that increasingly demands more, however, there are other factors contributing to the formation of a structure of success, such as: love for the activity, perseverance and finally enough discipline, with a touch of good ideas.

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