in #life7 years ago

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We usually associate different things and objects to different meanings depending on how we see it, and act as though it is naturally being created for that certain meaning. Yes, objects are created for their specific purposes, may it be as a tool, as a decor, or symbolic for certain religions, but these objects could also be use on variety of different ways and now it is up to the user on how they use such objects. The way the user uses these certain objects would definitely give the one who observes its own implication on how these objects are being represented.

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Indeed, if we think of things such as color pink, or even a cross we almost instantly assert them to what they represent, as for pink it would be the sign for femininity and as for the cross it is symbolic for certain Christian religions.

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But the truth is, even if how much it looks to us as though it is spontaneously being created along with its real purpose, these things are merely what you have observe to other people and just being influenced to something that is common to the many. Different culture produces different representation; it just so happens that other culture dominates on popularity to the majority of the world and thus how they represent things would eventually be accepted by the others. Things that associate to have symbolic presence may it be vulgar or religious, nevertheless they still differ to how different cultures see it. Like if a certain group of people from different country would raise their hands and then show their middle finger, for us who were exposed from American culture we would think that those guys are doing vulgar stuff, yet for them it only means to say hi.

Even different individuals could produce their own way of representing such object on the way they have seen it. Common for us to use broom sticks as a necessary thing for cleaning so we associate broom as means of cleaning yet for others that are normally exposed on maltreatment they see a broom stick as tool to hurt people.
But this doesn’t mean that all of them who experience being hurt by broom stick would see it that way, it would also differ from individual to individual, depending on the degree of how they felt emotionally about it. Also if someone experienced being hit by a broom stick just once or few times compared to the amount he spend with it for cleaning, it might be that he wouldn’t change on how he sees the broom.

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No matter how we look at things, it would still come down to how significant it is and what it signifies in our own point of views. I f we want to see the world as place full of positive things then we could represent everything we see with positivity. After all it is in our own liking on how we shape or world as much as on how we create meanings to these things.

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wow amazing now I know my purpose @draeden

Hahahahaha wow. Thankyou! Im happy for you

wtf kharl? HAHAHAHAHA

YEah yeah yeah so true! XB

Hi @rovel1996 I just followed you. Follow back po

Wow. This is deep. Keep on posting!

Btw, i just followed you, pwede pa follow back? Hehe. Cheers to more upvotes!

Sure sure I will hehehe thankyou

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