I bet 100 Bucks you dont know Canabis Heals Cancer!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago

I know what you thinking. Ähh another stupid stuff wanne attract my attention.

Seriously. Canabis really heals cancer.

So why you dont know about it?

Think about the lobbys earning Billions on cancer.

They dont want you to heal cancer by just using Canabis.

Go inform yourself. Google it.

If something can safe our life. Then we should act and dont restrain. While the lobbys and media are brain washing the people and letting them die slowly, people restrain to act and safe ther own lifes. This is so sad in so many ways. When people are confrontit with stupid stuff and lies they get immun after while. And later when you now came up with something really really good that can safe so many People, then this people react same they think its the same lie they already heard about 1000 other things and ignor it. We sit infront of our tvs and dont want to see the real world. Look into this my friend it could open your your mind a bit.

I know it has a taste of conspiracy theories but it also has a taste of true.

Im trying to bring more attention to this Topic because so many people are dieng and many could survive. You dont need to give Money or upvote or anything. Just write What you think aboutthis topic. And if you are convinced, then maybe one day you will safe 1 life.


I believe there are many medicinal uses for marijuana. I honestly haven't really examined the data about the treatment of marijuana for cancer but at the very least know it has great data to support the use of it in cancer patients for the treatment of nausea!

it makes me sad and angry to the same time to realize how much we are manipulatet by Lobbys and the TV / Media. It all sounded like bullshit talk to me back in time but as more you read as more bad came up

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