Mate: Uruguay´s most traditional hot drink.

in #life6 years ago

Drinking mate must be our deepest tradition over here, everyone drinks it and tourists usually find it weird and interesting. The concept is simple: Herbs that you put in a cup, you use a metal (sometimes silver, sometimes crap) straw that filters the herb, then you add hot water and drink. The flavor is strong and bitter and its effects are stimulants. (similar to coffee).

The cool thing about it: It is SUPER social. People share mate when they drink it. So lets say that I ah drinking mate, I pour some hot water into it, drink it (just a couple sips) and then I would pour some more water and pass it around to whoever is around me. They drink and I repeat the process.

Gross? Yeah most likely. Sharing a straw is pretty gross if you think about it but meh... culture weights more. Mate is HUGE not only in Uruguay, they drink it a lot in Argentina also, in the south of Brazil and in Paraguay too.

What´s so great about it? Why does everyone drink it? Thats a good question. I think it is an acquired taste since at the beginning it tastes bad but then you start getting used to it and then you enjoy it. Well... some countries have their coffee culture, others their tea culture... well we have our Mate culture and I think its really cool.

Have any of you guys heard about it? Tried it? I would love to read your opinions if you have had Mate before! Thanks a lot for reading and for your support!




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Lens: 16-50


ooo nice, i would like to try it lol

I was on a big mate kick for a while but I would drink a bunch of cups to the head and it would make me feel paranoid. Do you take it with sugar in Uruguay? Is your cup wooden or a made from a ball sack?

I don't have a traditional cup but I drink mate most days with a bombilla. The taste definitely grows on you but I really enjoy it!

I came to Uruguay a few weeks ago and it was so weird seeing all the people with a little cup and a sip

Never even heard of it, but I love traditions like that.

I was on a big mate kick for a while but I would drink a bunch of cups to the head and it would make me feel paranoid. Do you take it with sugar in Uruguay? Is your cup wooden or a made from a ball sack?

Nope. Can't say I've ever heard of that one. I'd probably try it though. Why not. If I shit for a week, I shit for a week. No big deal.

I was on a big mate kick for a while but I would drink a bunch of cups to the head and it would make me feel paranoid. Do you take it with sugar in Uruguay? Is your cup wooden or a made from a ball sack?

I was on a big mate kick for a while but I would drink a bunch of cups to the head and it would make me feel paranoid. Do you take it with sugar in Uruguay? Is your cup wooden or a made from a ball sack?

Mate has been my morning drink of choice for around 2 years now :) I love how much energy it gives me and doesn't have that jittery feeling that will result from to many cups of coffee! I just purchases my first bombilla and it has made the drinking experience so much better.

I have heard that it is considered friendship tea in many South American countries because of the nature that you described above of pouring more hot water and passing it on to the next person. One of my Argentinean friends told me that the person who prepares the first cup drinks first then passes it on for the next person to drink then refill with water and pass on to the next person. Is this the same cultural tradition in Uruguay?

I can not wait until I get to see this tradition in its place of birth. Soon enough hopefully :) Cheers!

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