Stop being unhappy with yourself

in #life6 years ago

received_163750057771345.jpegStop being unhappy with urself,u're perfect. Stop wishing u looked like someone else or wishing people liked u d way they liked someone else.Stop trying 2 get attention 4rm those who hurt u. Stop hating ur body,ur face,ur personality,ur quirks,love them cos without those things u wouldn't be u and y would u want 2 be anyone else? Be confident with who u are. Smile it will draw pple in. If anyone hates on u bcos u're happy with urself then u stick ur middle finger in the air and say screw it. My happiness will not depend on others anymore. I am happy bcos i love who I am, I luv my flaws,I luv my imperfections cos they make me,ME. And Me is Amazing


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