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RE: Steemit Exclusive: Every Book I Read in Federal Prison (Charlie Shrem Prison Reading List)

in #life8 years ago

I've got a long list of books I've been meaning to read. Maybe I should go up to the USSA and, surely get arrested for something in the "land of the free", to get caught up on my reading. :P


It's not worth it, I'd trade not reading these books for that time of my life back

Powerful comment! It is sad that someone so honorable was taken. Yet it is a testament to your character that you made the most of it and all in all are a BETTER man now then you even were then!
Yes it sucks, yet in life SHIT happens. True warriors/heroes make the most of what is even if it sucks!
Best Regards Brethren~*~

It would provide some much needed peace and quiet for me if I spent some time in the clink.

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