Lost Memories

in #life7 years ago

When I turner on my IPad this evening it showed mr a thumbnail photo with a caption saying I had a new memory from Austin. I proceeded to log in, but can find no evidence of my new memory. This memory... whatever it was... was lost quicker than normal. It may yet show up. For now, it is lost. 9E4DD619-4C6F-48B1-B31C-A771B84CD407.jpeg

While looking around for this new lost memory, I began to think about my life memories. Rather I began to think about my life experiences that I cannot remember well. The best example of this problem is sex. I have four sons, so I know I have the experience yet the details are missing. A lot of detailed memories vanished when my wife died in 1999.

I remember the fact that I loved her eyes, but again the details are gone from my mind. I suspect this is partly a matter of time loss. I suspect there is a protective psychological loss that helps us humans block out traumatic loss.

These are all lost long-term memory issues. In time, I expect shorter term memory losses will occur.

Fortunately, I don’t mind losing memories. Both the good and bad memories will be lost eventually.

My hope is that I will remain busy enough with my hobbies to live in the present rather than focus my mind on the past. Most of my past is best forgotten.

Here is today’s beauty.



Is it not strange that we forget things we thought we would never forget when they happened. I forgot a lot about the time my children were small and I forgot a lot about my own childhood. My mother died at the beginning of the age of fifty and I know that I forgot a lot about the time she was still alive and I still lived in my parents' house. It is human, I presume.

Past is forgotten but sir some people are very hard and in fact impossible to forget. Your wife would be so hard to be forgotten by you.

I can relate...my wife died in 1992 (or thereabout...I can't remember)...we were childhood sweethearts..married just out of highschool. I was 17..had to have my parent's permission to marry.

memories are something beautiful, even though the memories are bitter or sweet. hope @ doctorjohn always in happy state.

nice bro.. we live for the future..
have a nice day john

I like the way you prepare yourself, life is to keep moving foward..
Wish you all the best john

Keren, saya suka ini

time passes but memories remains

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