Hardware Nonsense

in #life6 years ago

Attempting to publish my morning blog created a dominoe chain of personal system trouble. So far, I am still cleaning up the mess.a1drjohnthumb.JPG

As a treat to soothe my irritation, I had donuts and almond milk for breakfast. It was a nice change.

Change is often seen as a bad thing. I disagree. For instant proof, I offer underwear. Change is good.

The point is... any system can become ‘crusty’ if change is absent. My hardware systems needed some maintenance. This mornings failures bumped that job to the top of my list.

Let’s call this my opportunity to adjust priorities.

Here is today’s beauty.



We are even in a changing world, anybody that cannot change with the change will not be able to meet-up with the change.

Hahahah, thanks @doctorjohn, but if I may ask, what is the picture saying? Or is it just a flower? Because I try to relate it to something else, apart from flower
Anyway thanks for sharing

.. So sorry about the mess earlier on @doctorjohn , hope you've cleaned up already?.. Well how are you doing and how's your night rest?, hope it was awesome.
speaking about change.. It's really interesting but difficult to archieve if I may say.. Sometimes change is not the best option, what do you think?. Imagine changing from better to worst instead of best.

Wow...today's beauty is a pure beauty. I really tulips( I hope it is a tulip right?)

Change is the only constant thing in life, today’s beauty is pretty beautiful, do have a nice day boss

Change is actually a good thing depending on the perspective of the change. Good luck in cleaning the mess!

Any morning anger necessarily has to go through such a delicious breakfast. A privilege!

Just like time keeps running change keeps happening sometimes for the good sometimes it is bad and most of the time it makes no difference. Have a nice day.

Change is needed in anything we are doing, and not just change, but a better change. Thanks for sharing doc

Hahahahah, good one from you doc, everything required change, thanks for sharing

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