First aid in case of burn !

in #life8 years ago

Annually, tens of thousands of people are treated in emergency departments for burns caused by scalding water or hot liquids.

Among the most frequent victims of accidents by scalding include children and the elderly, whose skin is much thinner and sensitive, and people with certain disabilities who are restricted time required reaction (people with mental disorders, immobilized in wheelchairs or those who move with the aid of crutches).

The main cause burns by scalding is the hot water tap, followed by steam formed by a pot of boiling water, extremely high temperatures of the water in the shower (over 48 degrees Celsius can cause serious), hot drinks (tea, coffee ) or hot cooked meals.

Although knowing the causes can prevent accidents by scalding, such cases still happening because of the curiosity of young children, understanding the limited danger or mobility and agility reduced older people, so it is necessary to know** the basic rules of first aid in case of burns:**

-Remove the victim from the source scalding;

-If Clothes were not glued to the victim and removed them from the skin and remove any jewelry or watches;

-Cool Burned area with cool running water for at least 10 minutes but no longer than 20 minutes. This will reduce tissue damage and improve the sensation of pain;

-Covers scalded area with bandages or cloth dry and sterile;

Sounds emergency number

source convergenttraining .com

Remember: if the affected area involves the face, hands, feet, joints or genitals necessarily need to seek medical help specialist. Also, if the burn begins to show blisters swell or burn victim feels no pain but is visible deep need to go to a medical center for the care of the.

What not to do:

Do not try to pull the clothes off the victim if they were stuck to the skin after contact with hot water;

Do not apply ice, cold water, lotions, moisturizers or powders as they are merely impede proper medical action on the burn;

Do not use natural methods hearsay because they may do more harm than good;

Not cool the burned area for more than 20 minutes because hypothermia may occur, particularly in young children;

Do not administer fluids by mouth if the victim thirst may cause vomiting; only moisten his lips.

Remember, however, that you can handle safely without professional help, only superficial burns, not exceeding the size of the affected hand. Those that exceed these dimensions are deeper and require urgent medical attention to avoid complications.

-familydoctor. org
-mayoclinic. org


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