Inspiration to live a life in Indian street
He often draws parallels between fantastical stories and his photos. Here, the seemingly endless cloth reminded him of Arachne, doomed to weave as a spider forever by Greek goddess Athena
Even when on assignment, Arjun makes it a point to shoot with his phone for himself.
Arjun also puts up long-term personal projects on his Instagram feed. Coal Pushers of Jharkhand is one such series
The need for patience in street photography cannot be overstated. For instance, the dog came and positioned itself just right as Arjun was shooting this scene, completing the circular shape that all his subjects were forming
Arjun likes getting as close to his subjects as he can without disturbing them. At times he melts into the scene and often pretends to be a cheery tourist or just a guy on his phone.
Since he began, Arjun has worked with square frames, as it was Instagram’s native format at the time. Despite the platform allowing other formats, Arjun has stuck to the square.