If you opened a restaurant, what kind of food would you serve?

in #life6 years ago

View the original post on Musing.io

Because of my love of the spices and textures, and because so many of the dishes are so satisfying, I'd have to go with Italian food. My restaurant would be drenched in the delicious smells of garlic and herbs, and the pasta dishes would be geared towards perfection in every way. I would hire only the best Italian chefs...those who are not only classically trained, but who also have an innovative and creative spirit, with the ability to create exciting and delicious new items. And even though my cooking ability is quite limited, I would be at the door to greet every customer, and make sure that each person would get only the best at my restaurant. 


I would serve beer and let every thing else work it self out ;9)

There is nothing wrong with that idea at all!

Something extremely niche/unknown for your location.
Thats exciting for your customers and it sets you apart.
Plus you can educate them about the food and the culture.
I know its generic, but I dont know what is around your place

Vegan/vegetarian in my case... I don't eat anything that had eyes :)

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