Greece: Fire Season... So much is lost... and will get built over illegaly...

in #life8 years ago

Κάπου εδώ ΝΑΙ αρχίζω να το πιστεύω ο Θεος μας ξέχασε ίσως να μην είναι φωτιά αυτό που αντιμετωπίζουμε δεν γίνεται με τίποτα να την ελέγξουμε είναι υπεράνω των δυνάμεων μας λιγοστεύουμε και υποχωρούμε έχουμε ανάγκη να ξαποστασουμε δεν ελέγχουμε το σώμα μας αλλά η ψυχή λέει σήκω μην κάθεσαι για ποσο ακόμα πες μου Θεέ μου για ποσο ακομα??? Έχουμε μαζί μας 4 μικρόσωμα σκυλιά τα βρήκα εγκλωβισμένα σε μια αποθήκη έκοψα τα σχοινιά τους και με ακολουθούν βρισκόμαστε βόρεια 1,6 χιλ πάνω από την ράχη θα τα κατεβάσω σε προσβάσιμη και ασφαλή περιοχή σε δυο ώρες παρακαλώ τους εθελοντές φιλόζωους να είναι εκεί με νερά και φάρμακα για τα ζώα..

Free translation:

I'm starting to believe that God has forsaken us. Perhaps we don't have to fight the fire, as we cannot control her, it's above our abilities. Our power is shrinking and we retreat. We have to, as we need to rest, and we can't control our bodies. Our souls tell us "Stand up, don't give up" but tell me, for how long, Good God? We have 4 small-body Dogs, I found them trapped in a warehouse, cut their ropes to free them and now they are following me. We are 1.6km over ridge, and I'll get them down to an area that is safe and accessible in 2 hours. Please, I ask for animal volunteers to be there with water and medicine for the animals

A firefighter near Kapandriti, a village in the North-East Attica, posted the above on his Facebook profile. We have lost so many trees. Birds are asphyxiating, other animals are being burnt alive, and we... can't do anything. The village was evacuated last night, and according to Skai (Greek TV & Radio Station) is getting close to the National Highway, though it is still not close enough to cause damage (to the road). And by the way, this is just one of the many areas that are now on fire in Greece.

Dear fire-fighters, thank you for your service. You won't ever get paid enough for putting your life in danger.

In the map below, you can get a rough idea of what's going on in Greece and part of the Balkan Peninsula:


Albania & FYROM are in the same situation.


Firefighter image:

Fire map image: Copernicus EFFIS

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