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RE: Quitting Smoking is Hard

in #life7 years ago

Always remember that smoking is a displacement activity, meaning, it is designed to take you away from your present moment.

So fight it with another, rather harmless activity I learned from two former smokers:

  1. Keep water handy. Every time the urge comes, drink some water.
  2. Keep carrot sticks handy. Every time the urge comes, eat a carrot stick.
  3. Get a buddy you can just call every time you feel the urge to light up, if the top two don't work. Then make that call when the urge comes. Make that call even just to leave a message.

All of these activities will change the way your brain responds to the physiological craving for smoking. Eating or drinking something harmless will replace the need to put something in the mouth, and carrot sticks and water are about as harmless as you can get.

Calling someone replaces the psychological dependence on cigarettes. Instead of being dependent on cigarettes for comfort, you can just talk to someone about that urge. That will provide you with compassion, camaraderie and conversation.

There is more, but that is a start.


Awesome ideas there and thanks for the support. I have heard of the carrot sticks before as well and think I will definitely give that a shot. Also, if I am using the water idea as well not only am I beating a craving I’m also making sure I’m well hydrated!

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