Thoughts on the Imaginary 9PM Curfew on Men

in #life6 years ago (edited)


Last night I was reading this article from The Guardian about the viral tweet of Danielle Muscato - "Ladies … what would you do if all men had a 9pm curfew?” Wow, would this be such a dream in my uber patriarchal society? I will not deny that I actually teared up just thinking about it, all the infinite possibilities come rushing in. Can you just imagine how liberating this would be for me... and for your daughters and sisters too?

And of course, I am not talking about the % of good men who are not happy about this curfew. It is not my intention to condemn all men. Just so you know, my few remaining friends, who happen to be all male, would be more than happy to stay at home, drink beer and play magic the gathering or Xbox. They will also be glad to know that it really does not take that much to make me happy - or a lot of women happy.

Would it be nice that I will be completely fearless to walk alone at night? Oh, that will feel so good! To walk alone at night, on the beach or in the woods with both earphones in, will really make me happy. Is it too much to ask?

My friends will no longer have to expect a call or text from when whenever I go out at night. They will no longer hear yet another recount of a frightening sexual assault in another country. And hear about my rants about street harassment that I experience every day of my life, or hear about how I go to great lengths just to be ignored, completely invisible, safe, and not be a prey on the street. I will be extremely happy to just be able to go from point A to B without being bothered and arrive at my destination without any heavy feeling. I can sit comfortably in a public transportation without having to bear an interrogation, and not be randomly and rudely be asked about my civil status, or if I have a husband, or if I live alone.

The first thing I am going to do to celebrate this newfound freedom is to wear my short shorts, go to a bar alone, buy my own beer and drink a lot! I will no longer have to worry about breaking someone's ego. I will no longer be accused of leading someone on, and I can just be myself, dance and get intoxicated! Then, I would bring my beer to the beach and walk alone without glancing over my shoulder all the time. I will run like crazy, with both earbuds in. Run, run and run! I will lie down on the sand and watch the stars. I will go skinny dipping without worrying about someone lurking. Just imagining this is already making me happy.

At nights, I will go cycle and not be yelled at, get buzzed by trucks or speeding cars. I will dare to ride my bike freely and without anxiety! I will no longer have to stop and coach my perpetrators - and even risk my safety! I will go enjoy outdoors every day and not come home with a heavy heart. Good news - I will no longer think too much!

It would be nice that I am actually allowed to really live on my own. I will no longer have to lie about someone is waiting for me or about my imaginary boyfriend. I would be able to just sit, drink, and stare into space without someone asking me "are you alright?" I'd go walk in the dark without fearing for my life all the time. I can take the taxi without worrying if I will be taken somewhere else. Just thinking of going somewhere alone without anxiety seems like a dream. What freedom!

I just want to be able to do things outdoors without stress. Because damn, I am so tired. You just don't know how tired I am of this. If I don't have anyone to protect me, then I should be able to protect myself. But, I don't need protection in the first place! If I have no choice but to live alone, then I should be able to live alone. Why is this so hard?

I feel this overwhelming sense of relief knowing that I am not the only one experiencing this and I'm not alone here. This imaginary curfew is actually heartbreaking that I cry whenever I think of it. You don't know how much this would liberate me because I deserve to enjoy my life outside - any time of the day. I deserve not to live in fear. Not trying to be a victim or something, I am just trying to live my life here.


Haha well, I am a shut in anyway so I would hardly notice lol.

To gain insight, we could change the story a little.

I lived in a neighborhood near Oakland, California that was prone to muggings, sometimes violent. I had to work late, and had to walk home alone in the dark. In that situation the majority of the crimes, especially the violent ones, were conducted by members of racial minorities.

There were times, walking home, that I was terrified. In those moments...

Would a curfew be desired? Would it be right? Would it make me safer? Would it take away my fear, and allow me to walk home from my work without being afraid of being stabbed?

Many of us, even men, understand the feeling of terror.

I'm grateful that we dont live in a police state with these curfews, even though at times I feel less safe. (I also oppose banning Muslims from traveling into the US and breaking up families to discourage boarder crossings, even though both these would likely make many feel safer. )

This highlights well what women have to go through that a fair chunk of the male population have no concept of (because they are conservatives with an empathy deficit). I'm going to chuck a quote in here I just came across on a forum about 10 minutes ago, as it fits as well.


(because they are conservatives with an empathy deficit).

Haha I am actually waiting for men's typical defensiveness. But I'm glad you are seeing the issue here.

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