The Doom and Glory of Being Homeless

in #life7 years ago (edited)


I was having a bit of a problem last night, quite stressful actually. I was already planning to move to a new apartment, quieter, with a huge backyard and lots of trees for Feliz when suddenly, my feudal landlord handed me the lease agreement. After 8 of months of staying here, he realized just now to give me the contract. He added lots of things we haven't agreed upon since the beginning, including government fees, maintenance costs and withholding tax. All of these to be paid to his bank account every 1st of the month.

When you don't sign a rental agreement, it is automatic a month to month tenancy. At the beginning, I told him that I'm planning to do some business around here. Back then he was asking where I'm getting my money from. I realized that I should not be announcing my plans to the world yet. But I always learn something new.

Anyway, I'm less dumb not to sign contracts straight away so I asked for some time. Then he went to my place last night already asking for the signed document. He was quite annoyed that I haven't signed it yet so I said that I'm just moving out. He then changed the date and handed me a new one. He said that he would give me the deposit once I have already vacated the place. In my experience, this is not always the case. Landlords tend to make up or exaggerate damages just so they wouldn't give my money back. I would rather use the deposit for 1 month but he wouldn't let me.

I still had to make sure the other apartment would be fine for my fiber connection which is tied to a 3-year contract. I signed it because I plan to launch my project within 3 years. I cannot really travel for now. And I cannot live without internet apparently as my project is purely online. And of course, I live off Steemit as you all know. I was faced with indecision that I had to ask my friend in another city to help me. I actually hated myself when I'm in doubt about my decisions. I should be bold enough to decide especially that I'm getting into my own business someday. I just tend to overanalyze things sometimes.

My final decision is that I'm not going to sign the contract simply because of the things he added in there. Suddenly, where are these government and other fees coming from? He would not even fix the bathroom that I have been asking him to do. He said that if I'm not going to sign then I have to move out in two weeks.

Years ago, I almost bought a condo because I had a proper job back then. But that time I still didn't know that I would be traveling for a long time. I'm glad that I didn't because I really fear owning anything. I hate mortgage and I don't want to be trapped in a job or in one place paying for it my whole life. If I am going to buy something, I would prefer a one-time payment. IF I have a lot of cash - working on it so I would rather wait. I also don't want to give the government or banks the power to seize my property. I know that I have to buy a property at some point in my life. Perhaps someday when I already have a lot of money that I could pass the headache to someone or to a legal advisor or something. I don't want to erect an expensive beach house and all that trouble of getting an insurance, especially that we are at the center of natural disasters. When you don't have a lot of money in this part of the world, you are doomed. You would be prone to be taken advantage of.

If you rent all your life, you would not have the freedom of having your own house. You would be under the feudal landlords who could easily evict you whenever they want. I don't trust the authorities around here and in my experience, they just really side with those who have a lot of money. I have seen all my life that money can really make people shut up just as it can make a difference in people's lives.

On the other hand, I also like the power of being homeless. I could move swiftly whenever and wherever I want. I have nothing to lose and that is just freedom for me.

What do you think should I do?


Well, I'd be offended by the sudden demands by your current landlord. I've lived in the woods, and I can do it again. Honest company - even if I'm alone and homeless - is preferable to a mansion full of skulduggery.

As to your thoughts on property, tiny houses might be the best of both worlds, and keep your rent down, or enable you to use raw land, rather than a suburban lot. They're on wheels, so if your landlord gets hinky, you can move along, and take your house with you.

I don't know the laws where you're at, so can't comment as to the benefits of owning property there, but Citi defrauded me out of a property once, and to this day I won't even open a bank account.

They'll never get their hooks into my property again.

Do what makes you happy.

That's my advice =)

I'm sorry that Citi defrauded you out of a property! But I hate bank accounts. I just don't have a choice but to open bank accts (to cash my crypto sometimes).

I would love to have a moving house...sigh. Moving to a new place would make me happy. It is just very stressful atm....

For most people moving is about as awful as the death of a loved one. When you're traveling, there's no sharp edge to it, but when you need to fix in place, it's as awkward as getting stuck somewhere when you're intent on the road.

I haven't actually ever used any crypto, so never needed a bank account to do it. I am actually trying to figure out how to extract fiat from crypto without using a bank, and have even gone so far as to open an account on an exchange.

I don't want to leave any funds in any accounts, other than right here on Steemit. I just want to make the trade for digital dollars on a card, that I can use to pay for materials on the trailer house I am living it. So far, so bad. I haven't found a way to do it. I am pretty dedicated to not using banks ever again, after what they did to my family once.

Once is enough.

Don't they have trailers and trailer parks where you are?

but when you need to fix in place, it's as awkward as getting stuck somewhere when you're intent on the road.

Having a strict budget adds to the difficulty of it all.

I'm also getting wary, the banks get suspicious of fund transfer (crypto to acct). Good that in the local exchange there's an option for 'cash pick up'. You might want to check if you have that option, western union or someplace to pick it up. Then you can just deposit it to the bank account. I am just avoiding the banks seeing funds coming from an exchange.

I have seen a few trailers, though not very common...I don't know how the local municpal is gonna take me putting a trailer somewhere. There's no park for it.

"... there's an option for 'cash pick up'."

This would literally solve all my problems, since I don't have a bank account to deposit cash in. I don't want a bank account, and if I could just pickup cash, I'd be completely happy with how it worked.

If you own a patch of dirt, there may be options. I dunno the area, so cannot advise you, regarding local codes or cost benefit analysis.

I had that attitude and issue for a LONNNG time. I did end up buying an old house 4 years ago... and it feels a lot like renting... but removing the middleman that has the power to evict you, or decide the place is no longer for rent... or whatever. (When I was renting I always got shuffled around due to the landlords circumstances).

Since I have "bought"... I am just paying rent to the bank (who are my landlords)... But the great thing about it is that half of that rent I pay ends up being mine.

The shitty thing... as you mentioned... is that I am stuck paying for a place, needing a job... etc. If that gets to be too much... I can always "sell"... aka let someone else rent it from the bank and withdraw the amount I saved from renting it from the bank.

Buying is not a bad thing if you are going to be somewhere for three years... you could potentially save up some good money in equity in the place. You could plan to live there three years and then sell... and (at least where I live) you don't really need a down payment and if you buy your rent is usually the same as (or cheaper) than renting.

The homeless life would be pretty exciting, especially for a full time Steemian... you would always have a story. It could end up being a struggle finding a way to write it.

I wish you the best.

I can always "sell"... aka let someone else rent it from the bank and withdraw the amount I saved from renting it from the bank.

Gosh, I'm quite lost here lol. Anyway, I would need to buy a patch of dirt someday when I could pay cash upfront. I'll rent for now.

There are a lot of things to be paid here which could end up paying it your whole life. Buying a land if you have a lot of money would be the best option. Yeah, I could sell it.

PS. I'm not used to you having a display pic lol.

Ya... I know... ghost no more. Lol

I hope it works out @diabolika.
If you do have to sleep outside for a bit, at least it's warm there:D
Full of creepy crawlies, but warm.

I'm scared of creepy crawlies. 😔

My first advice would be take pictures of it all (would have been ideal to do on the day you moved in to compare, but hey). Then if he makes anything up the at least you have something to prove. But yes move out sounds like an ass to me. But if you've not signed a contract he's not got a leg to stand on!

As for renting all your life I am in this boat too luckily my landlord it a nice chap (the agency are not but hey). I would rather be at the mercy of being thrown out than under a death grip (the actual meaning of mortgage), at least then you just have to start again. Once you have a mortgage thats it. I will buy land eventually when I have the cash up front. Mortgages were originally put in place for factory workers so basically they were trapped into staying in the house as the could not move, so they had to stay working as slaves in the factories!

I would start doing that taking pictures of it all when I get to the new place. Thanks!

I would rather be at the mercy of being thrown out than under a death grip (the actual meaning of mortgage), at least then you just have to start again.

I have the same thought, gosh death grip that is.

Right you are! good luck !

Sounds to me like you're making a wise decision in choosing to move out. I wouldn't want to be in a contract with someone that gave me any reason not to trust them.

I wish you good luck in finding a new, suitable place to live. It's great that you're flexible and that your Steemit income means that you're not tied down while you're putting your business together. Maximum flexibility!

Oh yes, I am grateful for this at least:

It's great that you're flexible and that your Steemit income means that you're not tied down while you're putting your business together. Maximum flexibility!


its nice having a free lifestyle while young. I am somewhat at that phase, but I I think it's enjoyable for the current time being haha.

I do want a house to settle down in. Just wanna lie down knowing nobody will intrude.

Nice cat you got there :)

Having your own house to settle down in and have your friends come over without worries would be cool!

LOL Nothing is worry free =p

When you own the house, it's on you to do all the preventive maintenance, and if you're only rented before, you'll need to learn what needs to be maintained - by finding out what failed, that you should have been maintaining!

Before I bought my first property, I was a computer consultant, back in 1998. I learned so much, so fast, that the very next year I was a professional carpenter XD

Landlords always checking on who's coming to my place as if they are my parents. I can imagine having a house can be a headache in terms of maintenance. Especially that this place is frequented by natural calamities, one needs to build a strong house or something you can easily rebuild. That's why natives before just stick to huts made of bamboo.

How long is the lease for? How much per month are the additional fees? Negotiate a short term lease if one has to be signed--perferably a month to month lease. That way you both have legal protection. But I would alter this thinking based on other available options. If there are no other available options then play his game-negotiate to the best of your abilities.
But these suggestions are limited to the amount of information given.
Owning a small piece of land is your best long-term solution but one has to go through all the legal necessities to do that...Unless one has KA$H.
Sorry to hear about this. And BTW: I have about 7 instuments.

I have decided to move out and looked into other apartments just before he handed me the contract. I think the legal protection is just for him, I have much legal protection when he evicted me w/o me signing a contract...

I'm sorry for the limited information. I'm quite decided that I'm going to move out in 2 weeks... sigh. I need to fix the transfer of my internet connection which is very important.

The small piece of land would definitely come late, with big big cash lol.

Yes, if Steemit is a big part of your income you'll want to gaurantee internet. I'm guessing that there would be quite a few people where you live who wouldn't have a clue about Steemit and generating income from it. You might appear odd to TPTB:D
Of course, I hope a new door opens for you and feliz quite quickly. I gathered you were planning a move in the near future but these things are always easier when you control the timeline and not someone else.
There's always the dearyness of Canada if you're ever really in a jam:D

It is definitely weird to explain to people where I'm getting my money. I'm not even gonna have to explain cryptocurrency and that I can earn in 2-3 days what people are earning here for a month, gosh. Anyway, all will be good... hopefully.

Canada reminds me of that film "one week".

Okay, I'll put on my hope hat for you two:)
I haven't watched that film but lived it. I burned all my credit cards in Tofino on mushrooms in '79. I lived without credit until 2003 when I decided to come back in to test the system. I can reconfirm that my intial intutitions as a young lad were correct: the financial system is as evil as fcuk...But, we all have to do what we all have to do.
I'm very pleased to hear that crypto and Steemit are doing you some good...
And I also hope that that trend continues!

I'm keeping my expenses very very low until I could launch my travel agency website/project. So add that to the difficulty of moving out. Good thing I only have Feliz! There are many nice apartments around here in reality but like you said, it gets more difficult when someone else sets the deadline....And when you have a budget!

I'm not planning to take out some big cash out of my crypto if I can. But I have gone through a lot more difficult things in the past... I'm pretty sure that I can get past this stage of the game of my life soon.

Beautiful countryside. I love that film!

I think living for rent is much freer than owning a home. You can't just pack up your 1-Million-Dollar House and move it somewhere else.

Like you said if I got the money to easily buy it, I would, but I won't take a shit load of loans just to be tied to it for the rest of my live.

Yeah if I could buy something one-time payment would be better - IF I have a lot of cash.... I would rather wait until I could afford than be tied to loans, institution, and gov.

There's a chance that your landlord is envious of you. And of course, he is taking advantage of you. I am just glad that I have an open contract in the place I am staying in. Too bad, I don't have a kitchen. I always go out to eat. XD

You think so? That is funny he has a lot of properties lol. You are lucky!

Envious of your lifestyle girl... and you're happy even without possessions. He is making your life complicated. I think I've experienced some kind of situation.

Best of luck on your move. Onwards and upwards.

Thank you!

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