Life is strange

in #life7 years ago (edited)

I just deleted five paragraphs of writing (and I wasn't even done yet!) because I realized that I just don't care, and you probably don't either.

Here's a photo I took of my wife Sabrina about five and a half years ago. It was a good/bad time, and this was one of those good/bad days, if you have any idea what I'm talking about. If you were ever to ask me what my favorite photo is that I have ever taken in my entire life, it would be really hard to pick just one, but this one would be in the top 2 at least, and to be honest it would probably be the winner.

It's strange to think how much we have done together, and how far we have come in our lives since the time I took this picture. I still remember exactly when I took it. I remember her, and her adorable pixie cut, I remember all the stress and confusion, I remember our little apartment and our little bedroom, our little corner of life in the world. I remember how I felt, I remember the light, and I remember being so damn tired.

Maybe that's why I thought of this photo today, I'm so, SO damn tired today.



Feeling the vibe in that pic ~ Tmr will be a better day! =D

Glad you like it @spikykevin, it already is a better day since I got some sleep!

Thanks for sharing with us , keep your head up :) #keepsteemin

Glad you liked it @warrkin and thanks for the kind words :)

It's a little bit disturbing, but excellent photo @dexter-k. Could you please provide some info on your equipment and exposure data? Upvoted, resteemed & DPS.

Please state clearly how would you like to be featured in the “Daily Photo Selection”: with a linked photo, or with link only without a photo. We are making a list of photographers who are ready to improve the visibility of their work through the DPS. Thank you.

Thanks so much @photo-trail, I've heard that comment before and I understand why people think so, but to me this photo means a lot and it's not meant to be sad, or at least I don't feel that way about it. I took the photo with a Nikon D3S and Nikkor 50mm f1.8 lens. Exposure was 1/160 at f1.8 and ISO 800. Thanks for the vote, re-steem and feature as well!

I read your Whole article but don't comment on that because your pics always turned out to be amazing so today i am not gonna comment on pic :P wish you all the best for future :D

Thank you @blazing, I had a good sleep and am feeling a lot better today!

Life is just like this Dexter. Good moments, bad moments, boring moments...
But there are also some moments that stay forever in our mind. Sabrina is perfect here. Wish you the best!

You are totally right @digitalking, and life would be a lot more boring if every day was the same! Thanks for the kind words, glad you like the post :)

It's is a beautiful pic with such a beautifully written emotions :)

Thank you so much @thetruthbomb :)

wow man, you are so lucky!

I know dude ;)

I can understand you... yeah everyone got these days, it is not only you^^
but we need to try to make these days less

Thanks @ridi20 :)

I'm sure it's not just me who likes it. Thank you already share. If there is a chance you, I want also you visit my post. Hope you like and like it. I am very grateful..

Glad you like the post @rebatesteem

Excellent photo @dexter-k! The lighting and mood is absolutely brilliant. You should enter a portrait into the Steem Photo Awards! I have recently posted about them on my blog. Feel free to check it out. Keep up the great photography.

Thank you so much @myday, like I said it is probably my favorite photo I have ever taken. Cool idea for the photo awards I will for sure enter a photo or two :) Thanks so much for the re-steem by the way, I'm honored, I re-steemed your photo awards post as well, I think there is a lot of potential there :)

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