Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want? - These are all questions we ought to ask ourselves.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Greetings once again from the ever green land that is Nigeria, from the most culturally diverse continent in the world, Africa.

I have had a few good laughs over the years,especially pertaining to what is called ''the american ignorance''. Do not get me wrong, I mean, I love the American culture(yes Cheetos and soda et al is a culture), the cities, the lights and dazzles, and all the other things the TV brings to us(o the TV, bringer of all things good).

One of the laughs I had had is in relation to my identity as an African. Being lumped together with thousands of people and having my country renamed to Africa, quite weird, and a bit funny, I must confess.

Quite frankly, I thought the west acted real funny, when I realized, I do too. If I were to laugh at a person from the west for misinterpreting me, what should I do with myself?

Do you ever sit down and just think about the universe? Not just for thinking sake of cause, but to think and try to find your place in all the things that occur?

Well, there are a few reasons why you would ever do that, either you're;

stupidly high
stupidly bored
stupidly tying to understand yourself

Hello everyone!

The above came to me while utterly and totally bored. Like, so so bored, paint drying on the wall would be considered premium entertainment.

This boredom was of cause as a result of the cruel cruel fate that many Nigerians are struggling with daily. The issue of stable electricity. Now normally the power generating company follows a somewhat consistent schedule in the town I am based in. in a day of 24 hr, we get 15 hr of light per day. From 9am to 4pm, then from 9pm to 4am.

Throw in a couple of extra minutes due to the lights coming on and off periodically, dn there we have it, a schedule for the town.

Today however, that schedule was not followed. In fact for 2 days straight, no electricity has been distributed to my neighborhood , at night, leaving me to work long, quick and hard, under heat in order to post, all the while still being bored as hell,(I live in a quiet are).

Now, many may say its not appropriate to tell the whole world that we do not have stable electricity, but come on! Half the world already know by now, many don't care, and keeping it a secret isn't going to solve anything.

So lest I digress, I was going to speak about finding your Identity.

Who are you?

Some would tell you that without finding balance in yourself, there is no way that you can find balance in your finances, marriage, or any other area of your life.

Some say that being aware of yourself, and then your purposes, is one of the keys to success.

Both are true, and in the years I have spent on this planet, I have-never seen a leader who doesn't know who he is or what he wants.

Being aware of yourself, finding your identity, , knowing your purpose, are important traits for leadership, success, etc.

Who am I?

If identifying yourself, knowing your purpose, is so important, why do so many people seem not to know who they are or what they they want to achieve?

These are not questions that I can answer,
When looked deeply, we start to see why there is a market for motivational speeches and books.

In life, we spend way too much time focusing on another person, our outer selves, when we shun our selves, our inner selves.

There are a couple of questions that one should ask themselves if they actually wish to grow.

Some people call it the SWOT analysis.

You need to know what your strengths are, your weaknesses, your opportunities and threats.
Only when these questions are answered, can we find who we are, and what we do.

A time comes in the life of individuals, when he has to move alone, and reflect on the purpose of his life, evaluate his/her choices over the years, and make a commitment to do better.

The hallmark of greatness, is knowing who you are, what you want, how to get it.

All pics are from pixabay.com

Steemup Delta 2017!

steem 2 nigeria delta realest last stop design.png

hello there Africans, Nigerians and people of the world! Following a successful steemit year in Nigeria, at least for a lot of people, we have decided that it would be a thing of joy to have a last steemful Christmas celebration/ meetup to close off the year!

The steemup delta movement was thus formed, and in many ways, embodies the vision that we have been trying to bring in Nigeria and Africa as a whole, to enlighten the people about the possibilities of blockchain technology, of the power of steemit and how we do not need to be dependent on the government for anything anymore!

The steemup event in delta state is poised to be a blast, community builders from all over the country are trooping in and we hope to ensnare a lot of people to the ways of cyptos.

We will be giving out free WiFi, free snacks, entertainment and a steem-ta-claus is on its way as well.

It is organized by @destinysaid and @tojukaka, and it would see the likes of @ehiboss of @genesis-project, @gbenga of @naijaboost and @steemit-virus, @ejemai of stach, @nairadaddy of @air-clinic, @michaelcj of @steemnaira, @otemzi @tfame3835 @okoro and many more!

We hope you can make it there, cause a its gonna be a blast!


Thank you so much for posting Many great words Many thanks Very interesting pictures, really inspired me. Thank you so much

Sorry. Just felt like making a bot comment.

I couldn't agree more bro... SWOT analysis is a really great way to answering some really serious questions of life.. Business, career, relationships, etc...

The hallmark of greatness really is in the knowing of one's self


Are you in Africa-united program by dragon slayer?

Yes brother, i am in

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