My random talks on starting life early, living independent and A steem powered trip to delta and hopefully other southern states in nigeria(personal opinions ahead, room open for debate)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hello steemians!

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Early start link

I was speaking with a friend today, she happened to be a secondary school friend(high school for all ye 'mericans). Funny how time flies, we were not in the same class, I studied science, she studied art, but we where all in the same grade.

Well, we recently got talking again and I found out that she just finished from the university.

In a country like nigeria, many people, many youths actually go to uni, and graduate successfully, but the problem is actually finding work to do and earn a living.

So as I was saying, we spoke about the past, how life was in school, and then i threw the big question.

what are you doing now that you've finished from school?

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Image gotten from here
Needless to say, the answer was not what I expected. Maybe my expectations were too high, or being an individual who had always been "working" right since when I was in school, I had no experience with what she was talking about.

Our conversation goes into her explaining that she wished she had learnt some skills in school then, cause as of right now, she is at home, without money, waiting for a job.

She then goes on to say that she is trying to learn a skill now

Now I am not saying it is a bad thing, infact the mere mention that she is "trying" is better than many people out there who have no jobs and are not willing to look for one.

To get my point, I'll like to go back to when i was in school.

A few years back, when i entered the university to study, I was an average student, like everyone else I had no goals, no plans, just the idea that I was going to study, then after school get a job.

I met friends along the way,all of which are on steemit, and the more I grew with them, the more i understood that time and life waited for no one.

I learnt quickly that acquiring skills, knowledge and connections is something that should be done while still in school, as that could help one's life in the future alot.

I had always been in love with music, and that had kept me going, but it was in school that I started my production business, it was in school I joined several small groups of producers.

So really, i had been acquiring skills and knowledge all through the past years, my books and certificate aside, I was already a full fledge entrepreneur and music businessman by the time I left school.

Today I do not have to wait for the government to pay me any salary at the end of the month.

Infact when i joined steemit, my work schedule was so tight that I literally had to called on phone by a friend who is a steemian also that i should be posting.

What am I saying in all these?

My friend made the mistake or should i say was not enlightened enough to acquire those skills early on in school, as a result, she sits in her parents house being a dependent.

It doesn't have to be a school related venture, if anything at all, the main goal of this post is to try and remind all that skill aquisition, knowledge, connection, all comes from the early age.

An example used in the music scene here is one of a 40 year old man trying to learn the guitar.

No matter how hard he tries he can never;

  • gain the same experience as a guitar player who started in his teens
  • practice the same number of hours that a teen player has practiced
  • attain the height of a player who started as a teen and has been consistent without a major talent and cash backing.

It is my belief that the older one is, the more difficult it is to start something new.

Taking advantage of being under your parents roof to make those decisive choices is key to am easy and smooth transition to adulthood.

The last time I saw my parents was in January, the last time I got money from he was in march, since then, i have been quite on my own, and comfortable, courtesy of the skills I learnt those years back.

Steem trip

All that aside, I am going to be taking a steem powered trip to the southern part of nigeria! I am going to Sapele Delta state nigeria, the place I was born and breed.

It is going to be exciting, as ill get to meet some of the steemians on this platform staying in that town. Steemians such as @samiwhyte, @eghele @tfame3865.

From there i would like to connect to other cities in the south of the country where other steemians reside.

I cant wait!

Don't mind me if the article doesn't correlate all too well. Like i said, its just random thoughts and talks. If just one person can learn from this post, then it is ok by me


Please come to sapele i base there @tfame is my very good friend I would love to be a part of the way i love the post its an eye opener for us to make the most of our time while we still have it. Nice post boss. Lokking forward to meeting you.

We waiting for him @perkinxin

Random but making sense
Delta state is ripe and set to receive you
My able boss @destinysaid

Truth be told, it's better you start learning from when you are young. It's easier and fun, too. But ignorance is a problem of many people in this part of the world. So many don't even have the privilege to know that there are some potentials to tap here and there and it's not totally their fault.
So I believe that either 40 or 14, what really matters is the zeal to be better than who you are right now. Impossibly is nothing when a zealous man want to make anything possible.
And good luck on your trip @destinysaid

You mention certain aspects in which I agree with you, luck friend

Handwork really pays..
It's so unfortunate we don't understand this on time, and gosh...! Last time your saw your parents was January?
Hmmmmmmm.... Don't know what to say.

Welcome back to the south, hope you visit Rivers state soon..

👏👏👏 your post deserves a clap offering because you have said it all. I wish more Nigerian youths will read this because the future looks bleak. Alongside getting a certificate, one should also acquire some skills to be self-reliant.

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