15 Lessons you learn throughout your life

in #life6 years ago


You learn a lot of things while being on the physical plane and i’m going to give you 15 lessons you learn on your later years.

  1. Everything is temporary
    This explains itself, your money is temporary, your relationship is temporary, everything is temporary.

  2. Life isn’t fair
    Some get a boost starting is life whiel some have to work harder to be where they want. Life isn’t fair but it’s up to you to fight for yours.

  3. Family matters more than friends
    As time goes by, your high school friends or college friends will eventually leave you but you know who would’t? Your family members, they are always with you when you need, not like your friends. Friends would’nt want you to go as far as your family.

  4. Others treat you the way you treat yourself, not them
    Imagine you going to a place nobody knew you and you start doing everythign different, speak differently, talk differently, liking different things, prople will treat you differently because thats the reality they encounter first.

  5. The sacrifices you make today will pay dividends in the future
    Grown ups look back on what they did in their early years and think what about the time they wasted and what they could’ve done better so think about what you do today.

  6. Sacrificing your health for wealth or success isn’t worth it
    Money seem to be the most important thing in the world when you don’t have it but when you do, it doesn’t seem to matter that much anymore.
    We keep on wanting more but only a few know when to stop.

  7. Fear of embarassment or criticism stopped you from bein who you really are
    Why do you think about what other people think? Why not be the odd one and let others think about what you’re thinking. It’s not like you’re gonna see eachother forever and your family will accept who you really are because that’s what they really want to see.

  8. Things don’t matter that much
    At young ages we want things because we see others have it and think your life would be better if you had it aswell. Things are raw material that move from one place to another, don’t get too caught up in the physical world.

  9. Even the longest night follow by a morning
    Some learn this at a young age but when we got older it hit us harder than the times before. Another meaning of this is even through the lonest darkest times you will eventually reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

  10. Happiness is a choice and it requires a lot of hard work
    True happiness doesn’t come from the approval of others, it comes from remembering who you are. You won’t get there without hard work but you eventually will through time.

  11. This moment right now, this is you being alive, this is your moment
    And its passing by slowly, but when we look at life, we’re looking at the whole thing but it’s moment like this that are making pieces of it. Most people learn the importance of “the moment” too late in life regreting what they could’ve and should’ve done.

  12. Everyone is really out for themselves
    Everyone is out being the star of their own movie and eveyone is trying to get that girl of their dream. When you were born you were the most important thing you ever experience, you need to protect yourself and prosper, well thats what everybody thinks.

  13. Beneath anger is always fear
    Even Yoda said “fear is the path to the darkside, fear lead to anger, anger lead to hate, hate lead to suffering.”

  14. The world is bigger then you got to experience
    Its filled with so many things you don’t know like cultures, food, religion, beliefs and even vision for the future. If the world was a book, you would only be able to read a few pages on it.

  15. A lifetime isn’t very long
    You don’t seem to think about it when you’re young, It seems long. But thinking about it let say you will die at the age of 80, an average person sleep 8 hours a day, thats a third of your life already, but you still got 53years, if you work 40hrs a week from 25 to 65 thats another 10 years gone leaving you with 43. As of 2016 average Americans spend up to 10hrs a day on screen time with pointless entertainment which combine with social media, and tv shows 4.5hrs per day with company like netflix fighting to get your eyeballs. This means an average american spend 7-8years of their life watching tv. If you count all the small tasks in life like driving, esting you will be surprise you only get to live about 30years of your life.

So take this lessons and learn them while you’re young or tell the younger kids.


A lifetime isn’t very long
You don’t seem to think about it when you’re young, It seems long.

Could not agree more. I think more people need to realise how fragile we are. Stop thinking about things you want to do and just do it. You don't have an infinite time left here.

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