Psychology and Living: "Reality Checks" and Changing our Perspectives

in #life5 years ago

Life is a funny place.

I "never" thought I'd see the day when I'd actually be absent from blogging for several weeks in a stretch — as I have been, from these pages, in recent times.

Our backyard lavender labyrinth...

The thing about life is that we don't get to choose when we encounter a crisis that changes our perspective; and perhaps our sense of self — who are are (or believe we are) — in the process. Life also doesn't happen according to a nice smooth schedule where one crisis happens, we neatly deal with it, and then move onto the next.

Sometimes everything just happens all at once, and possibly at the "worst" possible time.

Priority Setting, and Such Things...

One of the things I learned from my Dad when I was quite young — and I have written about here, a few times — is that (A) you should always try to do your best, and (B) sometimes "your best" just isn't enough. Because perhaps life has other plans for you.

Recent events around here have involved taking a long hard look at my reality — and at our reality (as a family, in this household) — and mixing things up, a bit.

And by "mixing things up," I am particularly referring to the fact that I have been spending a lot more time with my family, and a lot less time in "virtual space."

Which has really been a positive thing, in the greater scheme of things.

Sage and Calendulas


As I am now starting to cautiously poke my nose back in around these parts, seems quite a few changes are underway... including the much talked about HF.21.

I have no idea what that will do to this community... but I'm hoping this will still be an interesting community and a fun place to occasionally post content.

I have read lots and lots of "words" and "opinions" but I still see very little in terms of concrete plans as to how "they" (whoever that might be!) are planning to bring in more new users to enjoy all these new features and communities.

Always leaves me pondering that age old question of "what good is building the world's greatest theatre if you're always playing to an empty house?"

Just asking the question... don't really have any answers.

Grasses in the late afternoon sun

Meanwhile... in a Different Reality...

Mrs. Denmarkguy has returned from her unfortunate trip to Texas... and I'm glad she's home again. Six weeks apart was not much fun for two people who are otherwise very close.

We're discussing how we can make sure such a situation never arises again. Go back to former point about spending more family time...

Anyway, this is just a sort of "smoke signal" to the world of Steemlandia... no, I didn't suddenly die an untimely death, nor was I abducted by aliens...!

More about "stuff," later.

For now, going back to watching our Netflix show... we've been watching "Another Life."

Hope everyone out there has been keeping well!

Comments, feedback and other interaction is invited and welcomed! Because — after all — SOCIAL content is about interacting, right? Leave a comment-- share your experiences-- be part of the conversation!

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(As usual, all text and images by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for this platform.)
Created at 190731 21:44 PDT



I had suspected alien abduction.

When it comes to attracting more users to the new tools and the like, that is going to have to increasingly be pushed to the tools themselves, the communities who enjoy a themed frontend should be looking to attract others they think will enjoy similar - tell their friends, use other medias where they gather etc.

In the end, I managed to survive their mind probes...

That is pretty much what it feels like. And I find it interesting that it largely amounts to a "return to basics," 2019 style... once upon a time, we all flocked to "themed" or "interest based" message boards online; now we're moving towards something similar. I suspect the days of "generalized" social media are somewhat limited, at least for individual users; Facebook, twitter, will undoubtedly continue as a commercial platforms to sell one thing or another...

I "never" thought I'd see the day when I'd actually be absent from blogging for several weeks in a stretch — as I have been, from these pages, in recent times

Same here for me earlier this year. I took a whole month away from blogging, writing and being active. It felt as if my life was topsy-turvy

"Topsy-turvy," indeed!

Pretty much everything that could collapse around here, did. But at least we still have a place to live, so that's a good thing... and now it is August and a new Moon... and it feels like something better lies ahead.

Good to see your smoke signal.. Enjoy the Netflix n chill time with your wife and stop to smell the lavender..

Thanks @skramatters! We're planning to take things quietly for a while... and that rest is much needed, these days.

Our backyard lavender labyrinth...

Thou shalt be my lavender
To wash and clean all my gear
Our two beds shall be set
Without any let.

So, ignore @skramatters advice.

But yeah, I suppose you already knew that. Hahahaha ;)

I can only hope all good steemians know to steer clear of my advice! 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

Well, if you had rather said: "Smoke the smelly lavender.."

Then, we would be onto something and obviously talking about a kickass psychotomimetic advice. :D

Not sure about smoking the smelly lavender... but we also have some salvia growing out there that'l probably give someone a nice buzz...

Whew...!!! Thought We lost You there...

Posted using Partiko Android

Nah, not going anywhere... but my wife was away for six weeks while I was both managing the house (and menagerie) on my own, as well as shutting down our retail store by myself. It pretty much caused head spins all around...

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