My X mas dinner included halal chicken slaughtered on the spot ..... I couldn't make this up if I wanted to

in #life7 years ago

It started out as a semi regular holiday expecting a little sit down dinner with my family and my brother#3 in law @mrviquez family . But not long into the day our other brother#2 ended up in the hospital ,with a non life-threatening illness that put the kibosh on brother number #4 plans to tag along to brother#2 inlaws house for surf and turf dinner

are you confused yet ?????? yea so am i

i was only planning for roughly 4 adults and 3 children for dinner so we started preparing a small 11lb pernil and Arroz con GandulesArroz con Gandules.jpg

shortly after we put the pork in the oven, a huge storm front passed thru southern ny and northern pennsylvania which rerouted brother # 1 from his holiday visit to a small town called wellsville ny in central ny state back home to buffalo ny . they called us to ask if it was okay to come over and of course we obliged .

the only problem was ..........i didnt have enough food in the oven to feed 5 extra people .
i started having an mini panic attack as i thought about where i could possibly go shopping for food = ON CHIRSTMAS DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EVERY SINGLE STORE IN THE AREA WAS CLOSED !!!!!!!

i pulled my self together like the resourcful leader that i am , and realized that i live 5 mins away from one of the largest muslim communitys in the united states ...............good ole Lackawana ny aka black rawanda aka steel town aka .............muslims dont celebrate Chirstmas for sure ..............lack.jpg

i hopped into the car and stoped at the first muslim owned bodega i spotted luck as i walked back to the refrigerators in the back .......but like the boss i am i walked up to the store clerk and asked , SALAM MY BROTHER DO YOU KNOW WHERE I MIGHT BE ABLE TO BUY A WHOLE CHICKEN TODAY ........?????????????
we were in luck .....he put on his eye glasses and looked behind the counter at a bussiness card he had .
it was a slauterhouse but not 5 blocks away .

as i pulled up i noticed the sign was partially in arabic reading chicken lamb rabbit duck turkey ........and probabally some other animals

as i walked into the slaughter house i noticed a loose chicken running around and the smell of livestock . i approached the first person i could see and told him that i needed to chickens , he asked me to pick from the several hundred caged birds and i did .........he brought the birds into a back room and about fifteenminutes later returned with two freshly slaughtered and de feathered birds




This jank started off like a "Who's on first?" comedy skit that turned out with a happy ending. lol

thats how my life be most of the time lol

It's the halal flesh of my friend, your health

Mmm lezat

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