Can you Make Money on Youtube?

in #life6 years ago

After a good weekend of doing some work that matters and spending time with really good people it's finally making me wonder why I even bother with youtube anymore. Nothing ever happens the way they explain it, the system is pretty much hopelessly broken in so many ways. I feel like us creators are always getting the short end of the stick when it comes to getting around and they have been making things harder for anyone to get keep a channel going. The idea of community is suppose to be the backbone of youtube but let's be honest, it's always been a more of a free public square. People started creating content on the tube because it was the first place people were able to really make a name for themselves which creating the type of content they want. When money was added to the mix the hunt for profits has always been something that keeps the machine alive.

Well Youtube isn't going to give me Live streaming back it seems.

I'm not sure what is happening but it just seems like another thing trying to keep the defango down. My strike came off and now it just says "livestreaming is revoked". Looks like the party on that channel is going to stay over, Season 3 was going to be sooooooo good. Yet now when I'm sitting here I'm having some fun but things are still not the way I'm really wanting them to be. I have to get a better option and Twitch is going to have to be it. It's only going to be a matter of time before Merlin Defango is getting the same treatment. I guess they win, they get to keep all the money, they get to keep all the content and I get to do nothing about it. We both know I'm not done fighting but it seem's like now things are going to have to get really dirty.

Make sure you Follow on Twitch, you will get notifications 100% of the time and have an overall better experience.


i have made some money in youtube long before. now it harder to earn. sorry to hear about your channel. what you can do. they are so big that they dont care

you make money through donations which you get by streaming on you tube and asking for donations.... outright. twitch is alright, but its streaming is glitchy it seems. using both in tandem will get you better results... and being nicer to your subscribers/followers might help.

Hi Defango, Would you have any interest in being interviewed by me for You Are Free TV? Let me know! I am a big fan. I asked Frank Bacon to hook us up, but I think he spaced it. Glad you've had a good-hearted festival run so far!

Hey @defango

Have you tried @dlive? I just recently started using them. Streams auto link to Steemit, and I have the mind to believe your streams will do really well with them.

I had a little trouble starting off figuring out exactly how to use the service, but after a minimal amount of research, OBS was the answer, and correct me if I am wrong, but I am quite sure you use OBS because I've seen it on your prior streams (or futuremind is buggin, a total possibility)

I think you can stream to multiple platforms at the same time using OBS (not 100% sure) but I think you can, and if that is the case, you can maximize efficiency by utilizing twitch and dlive simultaneously.

I look forward to your future posts. You will always have my support bro, I think you're doing a great job.

Much love,

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