5 + 1 Words In English, Every Day: Fast food, a few or a lot?

in #life6 years ago

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(68-69.) (Español aquí) The idea is to incentivize people learn some words in English every day. Learning only five words daily means 1825 words a year. Not enough to speak very well, but it can be a good start. Much better than doing nothing. Do you know somebody who needs to begin to learn English? Some relatives or friends? Please give them this simple lessons.

In these lessons

If you are in a hurry, or if you like fast food, you enter a restaurant to eat hamburgers, French fries or a similar meal. Do you want some soft drink, too? A few nuggets?
(List of lessons at the end)

Lesson 68

#EnglishDeutschEspañolGoogle TranslatorFree Dictionary
1hamburgerder Hamburgerla hamburguesaGoogleFree Dict.
2French friesdie Pommes (frites)las papas fritas, papas a la francesaGoogleFree Dict.
3saucedie Soßela salsaGoogleFree Dict.
4sodadas Soda, das Erfrischungsgetränkel refrescoGoogleFree Dict.
5cokedas/die Colala colaGoogleFree Dict.
+soft drinkdas alkoholfreie Getränkel refrescoGoogleFree Dict.

Remark: International used words, but with a different pronunciation, click the links to listen.

Lesson 69

#EnglishDeutschEspañolGoogle TranslatorFree Dictionary
1a pairein Paarun par, dosGoogleFree Dict.
2a dozenein Dutzenduna docenaGoogleFree Dict.
3a lotviel, vielemucho, muchosGoogleFree Dict.
4a fewein paar, wenigeunos pocosGoogleFree Dict.
5a coupleein Paaruna parejaGoogleFree Dict.
+someetwas, einigealgunosGoogleFree Dict.

Remark: A lot of people, a few people, some people. A pair of shoes, a married couple.

How to use it?

You find the words always in Spanish and German. The Google link takes you to the Google Translator, where you can set your desired language (above the right side box) to be able to get the meaning in many other languages.

Below the left box, the speaker sign gives you the important pronunciation, the voice sample. Another choice is the other link to the Free Dictionary, with voice samples in both American English and British English versions. The reader should also pronounce the word himself/herself, several times, not only listen to it.

000 5 words guide.jpg

(Introducción en español aquí)
(Introduction in English here)

Some of the last lessons:

58.-59. Months, migration
60.-61. Shopping, months
62.-63. Entertainment, love
64.-65. Movie genres, professions
66.-67. Vegetables, more movie genres

List of all lessons:

Index of “5 + 1 Words In English” – Índice de la serie “5 + 1 palabras en inglés”

(Cover photo: Pixabay.com)
(You can message me in Discord.)


the best post @deathcross , This information is very valuable to me and I know it will be of help to many.

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