Dear Steemy - The Lies we Tell Ourselves

in #life8 years ago

Perhaps you're telling yourself you won't have that mostly sugar

Starbucks drink this morning, and you know you're lying. Or maybe it's about a chore in your day that you know you won't accomplish, but plan out anyway? It could always be that one hobby or errand, or the gym, that you keep promising you'll get to this week, 4 weeks ago.

Is the couch absorbing your motivation?

Let's face it, we're lying to ourselves, and probably each other.

Sure, you'll eventually make it to the gym, but it's more likely to be 4 months than 4 weeks from now. And when you do finally get there, there's no guarantee that you won't just spend 5 minutes on a treadmill and then break for the fire exits.

Committing to things is hard stuff. So we wait, and procrastinate. And lie. Mostly to ourselves, but also to others.

Rationalization = Excuse

We choose to rationalize instead of accept our true feelings, and find ourselves confused how we gained that extra weight, or why we aren't getting what we want. It's only when we reverse engineer our excuses that we can start to identify our true feelings. But it's scary territory, complete honesty. It forces us to look at ourselves with no filter, no rose colored lens. Just us. Imperfect, procrastinating us.

Why do we lie?

When confronted with seeing ourselves as truthfully as possible, many of us shrink back from the examination. It can be a blow to our ego to admit to ourselves that we want to exercise but cannot stop eating ice cream. We want to get better at an instrument but we procrastinate and it's probably because we don't feel we'll ever be any good at all. But we tell ourselves we're tired from work and that's why we'll do it later.

We lie because it's easier than accepting our shortcomings.

What to do?

There's little anyone else can do for you, it has to be you that wants to stop lying. You can't rely on external influences to change you, because you're the only one in there. You're the only one who knows the truth of why you do anything you do, and so you're the only one capable of doing anything to change the situation. When you're scared of the truth, let the fear in, and try to understand why you're afraid. Fear scatters in the light, much like evil and cockroaches. Shine your light inside, and accept yourself.

Acceptance is the first step on the road of change.

Good Luck,


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