Follow me grocery shopping in a traditional Chinese market in Taiwan 台灣傳統市場走一回

in #life8 years ago (edited)

It is a beautiful day at Taipei today - a sunny day after days of rain. 


After I wake up, I see a note on my laptop … My wife has given me a list for grocery shopping and no buying from nearby supermarket but from a traditional market that I need to ride subway for 2 stations. Well, it is a beautiful day and my wife’s order is not to be challenged. Besides, an idea pops up: why not share it on Steemit as an introduction for Taiwan’s local markets! (triggered by @elfkitchen ‘s post one week ago) This idea makes me so positive about my coming chore!! Although my wife sees through my brain and gives me a scornful look..


Anyway, I took my dumbphone, wallet and shopping bag and stormed out of the door! After 20 mins, I have arrived this local, traditional, vibrant, hustling and bustling market! Follow me and see it for yourself via my dumbphone camera!  

People, lots of people, more people... is always what you see first entering a market... 

But as you blend in, gradually, you see only those beautiful, fresh and delicious nature's gifts on the booths... all kinds of vegetables, peppers, garlics, potatoes, tomatoes... 

Roasted chickens, flowers, fruits, fresh fish, chicken... oh, some pictures of pork butcher booth are here and here (in case someone find them too cruel to watch... ) ... I think these are enough for cooking all kinds of meals today!!

If you feel hungry after a bit of shopping and bargaining, there are some treats for your stomach. Even newspapers are here for your casual Sunday read. 

In the following, these are ALL the grocery in my shopping bag today!! Aren't they just gorgeous!? Total cost should be around $1200 TWDs, roughly $38 USDs. Given the forecast of coming typhoon next week (therefore pushing up prices for veges and fruits), this is quite a harvest!!

Sometimes when I feel depressed or unhappy, it is quite effective to cheer you up if you just visit a traditional market. You will feel life and energy there - be it noisy bargaining or greetings, pushing and shoving around, or smells of nature in the air - all may revive your inner power and recharge your depleted battery. This is not possible if you go to modern supermarkets.  



(a pepper signature gift from @papa-pepper!)


Love it! I can´t get enough of healthy chinese food. I´ll probably be visiting Taiwan next year and really looking forward to it!

The street market is the best place to get some of the best foods. Reading this post makes me want to travel and walk around and try all the vendors haha. That is soo cheap for groceries compared to where I am from. What did you make from all those produce?

well, you'll have to ask my wife :p

曾经有人说过,当你失意的时候,去一趟传统的菜市场,你会感受到生命的热情与活力! 谢谢deanliu分享!

這是真的!! you're welcome!

Looks great!
I was hoping to maybe see your name in peppers - LOL!

why? it is at the end of the post...

It must not have finished loading when I was looking at it, keep up the excellent work.

I want to go shopping there now!

no, papa, sorry I was just joking... I added after seeing your reply... :P
see!? I have edited again!

Quite like the market in Singapore.

next time, your turn then... world market tours...

:-) maybe more to the supermarket first.

I'm in America but I love finding Asian shops! Thank you for sharing and Happy Steem-ing!

you are welcome! we all need both types of shopping.

For sure looks more fun than a trip to Tescos =). Upvoted

it's like amusement park vs jungle expedition... :)


這麼說吧, 我在某攤買了: 高麗菜一顆, 花椰菜兩顆, 青江菜與小白菜各一斤, 老闆送了一把蔥... 這樣是台幣280元... 這還是預期下周颱風漲價已經先漲一點的價格... (ps 名稱我不知道是不是有出入, 然後這裡1斤是台斤, 600克, 不是500克)... 謝謝你提供我靈感啊!!


乍看真的真差不多(但你說的應該是南方的),得買了吃了才有差別吧... 或是食材差不多,熟食跟市場內小吃會有差別的.... 下次來我帶你去啊~~ 哈哈

我的户籍所在地,还没有开放对台的旅游,希望在我有生之年能开放吧. :-)

唉呀, 戶籍這種centralized的東西... 真是... 會的, 你年輕嘛!!

I've always wanted to come to Taiwan, especially for the street food in the local markets.

let me know jimmy. I will be your guide! but tell you a secret: street food in Taipei is nothing compared to other parts of Taiwan. Namely... Tainan, Taichung, I-lan, Hualien...

Cool, thanks for the advice Dean. I might need to ask you for suggestions where to go when I get the chance to visit TW in the future.

对台湾的水果很喜欢。几年前来的时候吃到饱 :)

對, 來再吃, 很多賣到大陸去的都TMD訂價太高, 看得我都嚇傻了

这种生鲜的物流与中间环节成本太高了。我新疆的表姐来访。今天下午我带她逛了一下本地最大的超市麦德龙(Metro),来自新疆的阿克苏苹果,在长沙买 29.2元一公斤,把她一样也是吓坏了。因为在新疆只卖6元一公斤 。

中間環節成本.... 不知多少污穢在其中啊!?

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