Questions, Dreams and John Lennon

in #life6 years ago


“I’ll save my pens for something that matters.”

These words spoken in a dream by John Lennon. I woke up and wrote this.

“I’ll save my pens for something that matters.” John Lennon said this to me in a dream. Where we were or what was going on, I couldn’t say. The hazy vignette surrounding us obscured our surroundings. I remember we were talking writing and what was important and good in life.

I questioned my own writings. I thought of how I wrote articles or stories that did not ring true to what I wanted to express. or how I should be writing something, regardless of its intent. I often did not allow my mind time to nurture an idea that mattered. Because of that, I wrote fluff articles. Cotton candy had more density than those pieces…

That got me thinking about Marcus Aurelius. I Read how Marcus wrote what would be become the book-Meditation- for himself. The result of those writings became one of the most influential books I know of. — Meditations

Meditations is the answer to the question. What if the teachings of every self-help or personal development coach distilled their lessons into a single book? At least that is how I see things. But that is not the point I am making here.
His book might have never existed.

whether Marcus’s notes would have ever been public if he had a say in the matter is any one’s guess. Many of us write notes to ourselves. Simple words or ideas written in a moment of clarity or understanding. If you’re like me you doubt the usefulness that your own words could go beyond your own personal use. It’s these underestimations that hold us back from sharing our insights with the world.

It possible that Marcus intended to publish his ideas. Then again, it’s possible that he had no idea how much of an influence his words would have on the advancement of Stoicism.

Over time, Stoicism made its way around the world. Marcus was not alone realizing its potential. But, he did help speed up its message. Even distilling its essence to a few words.

The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the becomes the way. -Marcus Aurelius

My point is this. Right here today, how would others perceive the words that you write to yourself? The ones that you think too personal or not worthy to share. How would you feel if everything you wrote for yourself was now known given the public? I’m not talking shitty first drafts here. I am talking sharing your message with the world. Meditations- might be one of the most influential books around today.

Do you want the power to control when and how the world views your private works? Would your message be bold and clear enough to stand on its own?

Would you care or would you take to -”I’ll be dead, I don’t care” approach?

It makes me realize that most of my private writing/notes lack substance and clarity. This may be fine for the moment of inspiration. But is a disservice to yourself not to clarify your thoughts in the aftermath it’s creation.


This has got to be one of the deepest articles I have read on Steemit so far (quite short career, but still). I have added you to my follower list, because I am interested in reading more such articles in the future :)

thank you much, I enjoyed writing it. It's amazing what dreams can lead us to when we pay attention :-)

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