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RE: Horse Hijinks

in #life7 years ago

You definitely have some wily ponies. Particularly when they wait for you to leave, before escaping. I suppose it IS less fun in 'getting away with it', when you are home. They gotta cause some excitement somehow.
Love the fact that Angel comes to your window, to check on what you are up to. That is one smart, devoted horse. Sounds more like a dog than a horse.
Thanks for sharing some more wild shenanigans on the farm that is home. Sounds like never a dull moment, that's for sure.. (You have reminded me of a monkey escape story I should write about some time. So much to write about, so little time.) Thanks so much for another great story and read. Amazing how you keep them coming, day in and day out.


Angel is a pretty special old girl, she came with the farm so to speak. My husband paid the previous owner's of our place daughter's cell phone bill and they gave us an abused, un-trusting mare. She was so traumatized that if you walked into the field with a lead rope she would run through the nearest fence. It took awhile, but she knows we care about her. She is more dog like at this point:)!

Oh! I am so excited for the monkey story! That sounds beyond interesting. Life is definitely never dull, and I also have a rather big mouth, er typing finger verbal vomit? Well, that probably didn't translate well, but to be fair, I have worked like crazy all day getting ready for my next adventure that starts Wednesday! San Diego time!

Oh, that's right, you are headed to the Big City to the West. That should be loads of fun. Try to not get into TOO much trouble...just the right amount will do ( :
The monkey story is just something I heard at the zoo, but it IS fascinating, and I will try to figure out how to work it into a story about something or other. THAT should keep you on the edge of the old typing chair.
Love too that you have a big old dog, acting like a horse. So very nice of you to take such good care of them and getting them to love you so. I have a cat, Kiwi like that. One day the wind blew too strong, and he disappeared for days. The black cat Pantera had to go find him. Such a lovable knotthead.
Are you driving or flying to the West? Well, have a good night, and don't work too hard. Ta'

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