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RE: Leaving a legacy?

in #life6 years ago

Though I agree with all you write concerning money, is money left being one's legacy? I'd consider that a poor legacy, even if the amount is high. I consider legacy to be one's actions, one's works, things like that. For example, Bill Gate's legacy is that he helped bring personal computers to the common man, that he founded Microsoft, and that he has helped people in Africa. Money can aid in leaving a legacy, but it also isn't required. Look at Mother Teresa.

But anyway, semantics aside, I agree with you about budget. Seems easy in theory, but actually planning it and following it is always a challenge, but a good one.


I agree with you comment. A legacy is more about how people remember you or act in respect to you. What you leave them is temporary compared to the memories. In regards to, being on a budget, are you on one? Do you use pen and paper, an app?

Of course. With kids, a house and car payment, and other expenses, I'd be crazy not to have one. I've experimented with various apps over the years, but currently I just a simple combination of pen and paper and Numbers (Mac Excel-clone). I track things day to day in my bullet journal, then transfer it to my spreadsheet weekly. It's much simpler than many solutions out there, but works well for me.

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