Why, Hello There! Look Who Crashed My Morning Yoga! Feb 20th Already-- Time for a Check-in!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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On mornings like this, where the brightest shears of sunlight are piercing through every little gap they can, it’s hard to stay in bed! This morning I was up and out. I felt my trusty blue mat calling me.

I know I mentioned this the other day, but It’s really not the cold I’m avoiding when I give myself excuses not to practice, because today was another cold and windy one, but something about being able to be in the sun makes it all ok. Once I get moving I’m certainly warm enough, even though my bare feet and fingers might beg to differ.

I practice with wireless headphones in so, I’m usually completely unaware of the world around me when meditating in shavasana at the end of practice. After an awesome session, I looked up and this is what I saw!

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This little lady, (I believe her name is Bailey is our neighbor for the week.) Apparently she realized that her lead was just long enough to round the corner and say hello! Full butt wags were in full swing, and she was whining as if to say “PLEEAASSEEE I NEED PETS!!!”

Sweet thing, It gave me a good laugh, as I was kind taken off guard! I said “Hello there!” After I snapped a photo of her wiggles I gave her a good morning scratch behind the ears, before she ran back to her family.

Yesterday was swimming and shopping day. Our food storage is packed with fast, plant based high fiber meals, I’ve had a cup of green tea and half a cup of coffee and I’m feeling READY to crush this day.

@Teamhumble has done his monthly (or so) shave down haircut and beard trim, and every time I catch a glance of him out of the corner of my eye I’m a bit startled- like who’s this strange man sitting next to me! Lol- my body feels great but my brain feels a little slow- next beverage will be water and I’ll crank up the tunes and get there.


Checking in on the month’s goal progress, I’m doing pretty good, but I know I’m running out of time quick! I’m DANGEROUSLY close to rep 60 which I’m really excited about, I have a bunch of tee shirt designs that I’ve been chipping away at, and I have every intention to start the next steps in order to get the super top secret wellness project up and run-ing.

Birthday is in 5 days. Let the countdown begin! It’s a bit of an awkward one as it falls on the weekend which means public transport is not available as far as I'm aware, but I’d love to get some ramen, and I’m thinking of maybe even treating myself to my first ever group yoga class at a studio we found in town this week.

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I know, I’ve been practicing regularly for nearly 3 years and I’ve never been to a group class, its always been a bit of a fear of mine. Maybe it’s time to get past that fear…

It’s all just a timing thing at the moment. I’m still dying to get back up to the Peak district (a place I completely fell in love in the fall 2 years ago), I would have loved to do a few days up there but again, that all depends on funds and transport, and a lot of that depends on clients and the crypto markets at the moment… February has always been a weird month, always feels super rushed at the end. There’s still time to do all the things, no point in forcing it if it’s not there at the moment. <3

Well! I think that’s quite enough morning stream of consciousness for one day, especially considering if I go on for any longer it wont be morning by the time I post this- which kinda defeats the purpose.

How are you feeling today? Lots to do? Hitting your momentum for the week yet?

I hope this Tuesday is kind to you


Originally posted on HeyDayle ⚡️ The Blog. Steem blog powered by ENGRAVE.


I like the "to do list" :-D

thank you @erdavid! It took me an embarrassingly long time to make it look "right" that perfectionist gene to blame once again, but I figure if I'm going to use it all month it was worth it in the end :)

I'm with @erdavid here, the list looks excellent and well worth the time spent! :D

thank you thank you!! Super glad you guys are enjoying it!- it's certainly keeping me on track to hit my goals!

Yep! Posting your goals in public is great motivation to follow through on them so you can say they're completed. Being a little competitive with yourself is not a bad thing.

You nailed it exactly @allseeingewe - a bit of a self-hack to keep me accountable. And yes, I'm a bit too competitive at times ;)

Do you need a goal stating 'update goals'? :D

UGH I DO NOW!!!! #ocd. lol

hahaha :D :D :D

Happy birthday week to you! Celebrate all week. Or all month, really. Ah, just keep celebrating! And I do hope you take the yoga class. Sometimes even if you pick up one thing, a class can be a good thing. Though I'm also the woman who never goes to class anymore, but that's because I've taken so many yoga classes I'm ready to be me and my mat from here on in. ;) Now I'm doing stream of consciousness. lol! Keep smiling!

haha streams of consciousness are ALWAYS welcome! I know what you mean, yoga has been so therapeutic for my body spirit and mind that I've always been apprehensive about what would happened if I opened my practice up to being in such a public place.

I'm a bit selfish over that time I guess, but the mere fact that it freaks me out so much, is probably a good indication that I should do it huh?

Well good morning there miss @dayleeo now now come on let's not be complaining about temperatures especially when my garden looks like this right now.
winter .jpg

I have just braved it into town to get some much needed things and now back in doors about to light the fire. Which by the way I did a video of it yesterday.
I posted up this morning and debating on whether I should do a vlog walking in the snow what do you think???

Have an amazing day.

wow! having a fire is the BEST though, i bet the doggos love it too!

Do what makes you happiest! I love walks in the snow, must be so peaceful and quiet there!

Loving the yoga by the caravan chassy! Very familiar to me! Do you live in the caravan? I admire you being able to do yoga alone. I love going to classes and am very unmotivated otherwise! Hope it works out.

So funny because I have the exact opposite complex. One of my favorite things about yoga is being able to shut out the world and have some moving meditation time- I feel like I'll never be able to get to that place in a group class, and it feels so intimidating to me!

That being said, I think I want to try it as a birthday present to myself.. still thinking about it

Choose your class carefully then and make sure it's right type of yoga for you. Some teachers like things smoother and more meditative than others. Some like stopping and starting and taking moves apart. Treat it as a workshop to improve your own practice not to replace it.

I like that! Thank you for the advice, I certainly can't afford to go regularly, so that strategy is a smart one to get the most out of it <3 Going to have a look at their class schedule today! So appreciate you @shivvi!

Raman - fantastic. I love a good bowl of ramen. I'd never had it until last year (I think); I'd never even heard of it. I got hooked after watching The Mind of a Chef on Netflix where David Chang creates it.

I love the 'doodle and you're right, just like our Lola.

I've just seen the Man's cut - didn't recognise him...talk about one extreme to another.

Oh David is such a beast, I feel lucky to have had ramen at his place in NYC, it was pretty mind blowing, so much precision and so many elements go into a good ramen, its such an art form in my opinion, and also why it makes it near impossible to just "whip up" when you're craving it at hime lol.!

Right! I feel like I have two partners sometimes! lol He came out of the bathroom and I said "oh hello stranger!- come here often??" hehe

Not at all jealous that you've eaten there! I'm sat here planning lunch so may well end up with an OK bowl of Raman from Wagammas.

....or should it be BBQ

Decisions, decisions.

ummm.. both??? Wagamamas is pretty damn great- thinking that might be the birthday dinner spot!

Hmmmm BBQ Ramen!

BBQ Chicken it was! If you're ever in Watford checkout the Price George pub. They do some great BBQ food although the offerings have dropped off with the new menu.

...or just head to Waga's :)

I can't think of many things id turn down ramen for, but noted!!

Love the yoga buddy! Everybody needs one! Hope your birthday is a good one!

Thank you! That lady has certainly been brighting my day, shes been peaking out this morning as if shes waiting for me, sorry to dissapoint her but it's way too cold and windy today haha

Ah. Just catching up on the week. So now I understand where the dog came from!

Cute dog + Cute feet!

Hahaha something I should have mentioned in previous posts, dogs just seem to appear everywhere I go, @teamhumble says I have good doggo energy lol

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