Goodmorning Blockchain, Head Colds, Runny Noses BUT We've Got Work To Do Dammnit!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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We’re here. It’s Monday and I’m feeling ready. Seems I’m fighting a bit of a head cold, but I took the day out yesterday with @teamhumble, we played a LOT of Fortnite and I generally stayed away from my phone and computer. It’s so hard for me to concentrate when my head feels fuzzy pressurized and stuffed like this, so better to drink some hot homemade ginger, turmeric, honey and whisky toddies, and just CHILL.

The good news? We both got up roaring to go today, we chose a divide and conquer strategy which involved Mr Mouser walking to the shop for eggs and supplies for the next day or two, and myself taking the pots down for a good scrubbing.

"Yes, so much yes."

We have our big water jug filled, the trash has been taken out, we have supplies and clean dishes. All before 10 am! Not bad right?? Mouse went straight to work on veggie sausages, beans and eggs for breakfast, while I manned the aero press for our caffeine needs, and before we knew it we were both at our machines, tapping out words into the blockchain, and getting our heads sorted for some serious work.

It’s my last week in the UK.

Damn, I hated typing every letter of that last sentence, but all things must come to an end, and we’ve got a lot to sort out for whatever this next chapter will be. I know we have much more we want to do with and for each other, and with and for the world! This next season will be apart however, and that part is never easy.

the struggle is real folks...!

Thankful I’ll be seeing the little one again twice this week- extra hugs, extra laughs and extra dabs will be had by all- really worked out quite perfectly.

There are going to be many emotions to be had in the next 7 days, and maybe blogging is my way of preparing myself for that, but I refuse to allow myself to live so much in that dreaded moment of goodbyes at the airport keep me from the present moment. Right now, I am here, I am loved, I’ve had breakfast. Everything is ok...



Goodmorning Blockchain,
I hope you’re feeling well, and all your nodes and forks are in tip top shape.

Goodmorning Steemians,
I hope wherever you are in the universe, your hearts are happy, your stomaches are full, and your mind is at peace.

Love a sniffly Dayleeo


I remember those feelings when me an @vachemorte were doing the long distance thing and the few days before I had to go back were always the worst :( I have no doubt though that you two will find a way soon enough to stay on the same continent :)

Thank you my dear @juliakponsford - really, the encouragements means a lot- just like anything that's generally unpleasant- gotta take it day by day <3

Feel better and I hate that 'it's almost time to leave the uk feeling' :(

thanks babe! trying my best to get everything sorted and get on a normal schedule for the rest of the week- will try my best- hope all on your end is good- are you guys through the winter stuff?? (knock on wood)

good post veri nice

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