Why Are Stores Running Out Of Coins? 7.9.2020

in #life4 years ago


Even on my Facebook I am hearing that businesses are running out of coins. So what happened are people just holding all their coins? Is it the war on cash?

I remember before I had a router and I just bought a Kindle for books. Well, in those days I still had the slower DSL, before they forced me to go with the Uverse for internet.

Well, I would just go to McDonald's in those days and maybe buy a hamburger and a small coffee, just to get some free WIFI. Then I would load up my Kindle with some free books.

Well, when I was there I noticed that a girl would buy her boyfriend and herself something to eat. They looked like very young adults and she was paying in 100% coins. Well, that was the only money she used and they both didn't look like they were homeless, maybe just low on cash.

Then I started to notice people bringing in small bags full of coins into a store and cash those coins for paper money.

What if people have used up all those coins and others are saving any coins coming their way?

I even remember watching a TV show with Suzy Orman talking about one way to save money is to buy things in paper cash, but do not use coins at all. She advised the people to save all the coins, like in a savings method. Well, if you do that you could save maybe $30 to $50 a month depending on all your spending that is.

So these are different things that people are doing with their coins. Well, notice the coins I took a picture of? I like to spend the quarters and dimes, and the nickels and pennies I put in a container. So I still have some coins, but just the smaller denomination coins.

Well, I mentioned what I experienced in the Dollar Tree that they would take the card, but when it came to cash, they might not have change for you. Well, that could be the war on cash too.

Well, I will just have to make sure I have 9 cents for every dollar I spend on any non-human food item for their sales tax.

I have heard for years that they want to get rid of the penny denomination and our smallest denomination would be a nickel. Well, I don't like that idea at all. I don't like the idea of rounding up or down to a nickel. It seems like another way to steal my money.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1.

Sources 1, 2

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Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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