Time. What Is Time?

in #life4 years ago

In time we think of clocks and watches or a peek at the cell phone. What is time really?

It is the sun moving in its moving pattern above the earth. It is the moon moving above in its different phases. It is the fixed position stars and wandering stars moving above. It is all moving in the firmament.

Time is a birth of a person to the death of that same person. It is all of the things that, that person must go through in his life.

As a youth it may be a time for toys and in adulthood it is a time to put away such toys. It is a time to have a family and time to grow with that family.

We walk down our street and say hello to an old man who said hello. If we took the time to talk to an old man we may pick up some wisdom that will only come with learning from the passing of time.

That reminds me of a scripture, A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to build up; Ecclesiastes 3:3. So there is a time for everything.

There is a time when one can waste time. When one wastes time, that is time that you can not get back.

In my life I seen that there was a time to go to school and when that time was up, it was a time to get a job. I remember my mom telling me that she enjoyed her time in high school. Then afterwards she had to find a job.

We all have to make a living with some job or else the alternative is the welfare system. I was never on that system, but I think one would have more freedom if one would go to work.

There was a time in my life where I wasted money, bought things that I really didn't need. With wisdom and time we buy what we need and save for an emergency.

I have heard that most people are not prepared for a financial emergency of $500 dollars. If a car breaks down then a $500 emergency for the car repair may be needed.

It is just that it takes time to save money and it also takes discipline. One might say, But I don't have enough to live on? If one could imagine that at work they gave you less hours, how would you make it?

Well one my take the time to rearrange the budget. Maybe too much is spent on food where one could cut out something and one could save. Let's say give up the steak and instead eat pulse as in the days of Daniel in the scriptures.

It may be better to save at the time of the beginning of the paycheck and then budget with its remainder. There is this old book called, Richest Man In Babylon, written by George S. Clason back in 1926.

In that book is a story about remedies for a lean purse. I really like that story. It was about putting away 10 percent of whatever comes into your hand made by your work or trade.

As time goes by the 10 percent will grow and grow, in time that is.

I seen a Youtube comment of a man that wanted a piano, but it seemed like he couldn't buy one. I replied to his comment that if he would look at the free ads of Craigslist there are people that used to have children that played their piano, then as time passed the children grew up and moved away and no one plays the piano, even when the adult children come by to visit their aging parents.

Well some people will want more room in the house and if the children don't want to play the piano anymore then they put out an ad to give that piano away. So if one wanted to take advantage of such a thing then one could hire a piano mover and go to these people that want to give away their piano.

Some times the piano mover is also a piano tuner so that might as well be done when the piano mover moves the piano to your place. Of course you will have to take the time to pay the piano mover and piano tuner for that time and service.

All of this happens in time. So back to the question, what is time? Well, as far as I know it is the moment by moment of the movement of the sun, moon and stars. It is what happened or didn't happen in every moment of what was noticed and what was not noticed. We have been given time in our life, may we use each moment to the best it can be.

May we in that time call on the name of Jesus. For it is written, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13.

Let's end with a scripture, I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11.

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Thank you, David.


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