This Hot Wheels Was Cemented In Cement

in #life6 years ago


I found this piece of cement with a Hot Wheels toy sticking out of it. I see that this Hot Wheel toy was surrounded by cement. Somehow this Hot Wheel toy broke through the cement or someone took a sledge hammer to it.

I see that one of the doors is missing. Maybe it is stuck to the piece of cement that broke off from the whole. Why would someone put a Hot Wheels toy into cement? Maybe it just got there by accident.

Maybe someone lost this toy at a sandy place like Santa Barbara, California then as the bulldozer was scooping up the sand this Hot Wheels toy became part of that load that got mixed into the cement.

Or maybe someone was mixing some cement and the guy's kid left his toy in the way and the dad didn't want to deal with it anymore and threw the Hot Wheels toy into the cement mix.

How did I get this cement piece with a Hot Wheels sticking out? Well, I wanted this 65 gallon garbage container for free from a Craigslist ad. Anyway the deal was I had to also take the dirt and cement pieces that was in the garbage container.

Well anyway, I found this piece of cement with the Hot Wheels toy sticking out of it. I did look underneath and it does say, Hot Wheels.

I looked it up and found that Hot Wheels came out on May 18, 1968. I do remember having at least one of these Hot Wheels toys. I even had some of the plastic track. I think I got it for a Christmas present.

What happened to mine? I think my dad finally threw it away after so much time. Are little car toys useful for kids? I don't know. Maybe it would have been better for me to have a little shovel.

With a little shovel my parents could have taught me how to get the ground ready for planting. I remember my mom talking about how grandma would give a little hoe to her as grandma was hoeing the garden. Well, if I remember the story correctly that made my mom want to hoe the garden too.

I think I wanted the Hot Wheels toy cause on Saturdays when we used to watch cartoons in the 60's they would bombard the kids with commercials like Hot Wheels. Now days I don't think cartoons are good for kids.

Those cartoons have a lot of satanic symbolism in them. So I don't even watch TV anymore and I gave my HD antenna to one of my neighbors.

This toy thing reminds me of a scripture, When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things. 1 Corinthians 13:11.

Sources 1, 2

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine taken with my Moto G.

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