The Moon In The Firmament A Few Of Days Ago 7.6.2022

in #life2 years ago


I took this photo on July 3rd, 2022. The moon is mentioned in our Bible in the first chapter of Genesis. In the Bible it is known as the lesser light. The moon is one of the two great lights. The greater light of the two great lights is the sun and the moon is the lesser light of the two great lights.

The moon moves through its portals in the firmament. I got that from the book of Enoch. Now the book Enoch is not included in the Bible or at least our bible as we know it. I think it is in the Ethiopian Bible. I actually think the book of Enoch should be in our Bibles. I like to read the King James Version or some refer it as KJV.

You know that Jesus referred to the book of Enoch. Remember the story when the Sadducees came to Jesus and ask about a woman that married a man who also had brothers. So the man and his brothers were seven. The first married the woman, after he died another brother would marry her, and each died after he was married to her until all seven of them died and then the woman died. They asked at the resurrection who's wife will she be since all seven married her.

Jesus said that they err, not knowing the scriptures. Well, the scriptures that Jesus was talking about is in Enoch. As it is written, with the Lord speaking to the fallen angels that mated with the daughters of men, Wherefore have you forsaken the lofty and holy heaven, which endures for ever, and have lain with women, have defiled yourselves with the daughters of men, have taken to yourselves wives: have acted like the sons of the earth, and have begotten giants? You being spiritual, holy, and living a life which is eternal, have polluted yourselves with women, have begotten in carnal blood; have lusted in the blood of men, and have done as those who are flesh and blood do. These however die and perish. Therefore have I given them wives, that they might cohabit with them; that sons might be born of them, and that this might be transacted upon earth. But you from the beginning were made spiritual, living a life which is eternal, and not subject to death in all the generations of the world. Therefore I made not wives for you, because being spiritual, your dwelling is in heaven. Enoch 15:2-7.

So Jesus told the Sadducees that if they obtain that world, they will not marry or be given in marriage, but be as the angels of God in heaven as mentioned in Matthew 22:30.

There is also reference of Enoch in the book of Jude.

So the moon moves through its portals in the firmament. Is it not a beautiful sight?

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: the stars also. Genesis 1:16.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

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