The Moon At Night 11.21.2021

in #life3 years ago


I actually took this picture five days ago. It seemed pretty bright that night.

So this moon is the lesser light of the two great lights, the greater light of the two great lights is the sun.

Ever notice that during the time of full moon that people seem to be on edge, or some say, the crazies are coming out?

I used to work at the telephone company as a Directory Assistance Operator. I was the guy that looked up phone numbers to people that called to 411. Some called us, information operators.

Well us information operators would notice that customers were really on edge during that time of the full moon. People would more likely to yell at us, not all, but a lot of people were just angry as soon as they got on.

Well, if one has to deal with customers, one might want to read the book called, How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

Sometimes the customer doesn't even know what he is angry about. This was me too, during the days were my marriage seem to fall apart, I would get angry with the angry customers. Of course if you keep that up, you will have to go in for anger counseling.

During the time after my divorce I looked into this book called, How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and would find that interactions with customers would actually go a lot better than when I was angry at them.

Of course I know some guys where divorce made them bitter for the time.

I try to remember those techniques when things come up for today.

One of the techniques in the book was to smile. Even if the customer cannot see your face over the phone, they can hear a smile over the phone and sometimes the customer would even apologize for being angry.

Sometimes when the customer would come on the line angry at the last operator she talked to, I would say something like, I'm sorry you had a bad experience with your last call, how can I help you with this call? Then I would hear a great difference and a more friendly voice on the other side of the call.

So the moon, the lesser light is giving off her light.

Let's end with scripture, as it is written, The LORD thy keeper: the LORD thy shade upon thy right hand. The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night. Psalm 121:5-6.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Samsung Galaxy Note 9.

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