Some Unknown Guy Let Me Know About A Political Rally Through Text Message

in #life5 years ago

So I am minding my own business and I get this text message saying, Hey David, it's Brandon with Bernie 2020! Did you hear? Bernie's hosting a rally in Sacramento on Thursday, Aug 22 at 6:00 PM. Can you make it?

Yes, that was the text message sent to me on my phone. How did they even get my cell number as I don't give it out to just anybody? Well, with computers I guess they just figured it out.

I thought I wasn't going to say anything back, but then again I thought, I will leave a message back.

So I wrote back:

Thanks for letting me know. I'm not into socialism. I will be voting Trump 2020. Did you know that with the Trump tax break I can save $540 a year that I put away for my emergency fund? Bernie wants to take away my emergency fund and replace it with higher taxes. So, no I will not be able to make it on August 22 at 6 pm, but thanks for letting me know.

Yes, that is what I wrote back. I mean Bernie wants to give free college to everyone. I mean that alone will mess up our tax money. I think everyone should continue their education, but does one need to continue one's education in college? With the cost of college going up so much why even go to college?

I heard of people going to college and having $100,000 in debt and some others with $200,000 debt and higher. It just seems like the college graduate will have to be paying that for the rest of his or her life. It is kind of like having a house payment, without the house.

It would be OK, if each and every graduate would get a job, but as I go through Youtube videos of college debt I am seeing graduates with just regular jobs and some still can't find a job.

I have friends who's children even stopped paying on their student loan debt. As a matter of fact I seen a lot of video's where the graduates stopped paying on the student loans.

So you might be asking, David you said to continue one's education without going to college. What does that mean? Well, I mean one can keep on learning. In what ever field you find yourself in study in that field.

I wrote about a nephew of mine that was homeless back in 2009 and wanted to stay with me. Well, he had a job of selling cable. So I thought I would help him by introducing him to sales videos. One video was called, 24 Techniques For Closing The Sale by Brian Tracy.

You see my nephew did sales then, but he didn't know these techniques that later he thrived at. Now he owns his own corporation and has a sales team of his own. This nephew of mine did continue is education by buying more and more sales, negotiation and management books and audio books. It is 10 years later and he is still continuing his education with books and audio books in his field.

Think about if a person doesn't go to college, but ends up in an office of some kind, what if that person started to study on working with people? A good book for that is Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Isn't it true that in every office situation a knowledge of working with people will be a very valuable asset?

How about if one is in an office and has desire to climb up the ladder? Wouldn't that one do well if he or she would know management skills? Yes, study management skills so with an opportunity happens in the office then one can go for it and will be ahead of them that don't know management skills.

One could just study in a field that he or she eventually wants to get into. This way one can still work at a job, but study in one's free time.

Also Brian Tracy had this saying about his, "University On Wheels". That is studying a subject as you drive your vehicle. Listening to some sales, negotiation, management or some other subject in audio form while one is driving will be more effective in learning than just listening to music.

As for me I study the Bible while I am driving and in my home I am always listening to the Bible that continuously plays from my computer.

Well, anyway I don't think free college is what this nation needs. College does have it's place, but if one doesn't have the funds to do it, there is another way and this way won't cost as much as going to college. By doing it this way one won't get the diploma, but will get the knowledge.

That reminds me of a scripture, as it is written, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. Hosea 4:6.

Let's end with a scripture, I have more understanding than all my teachers: for thy testimonies my meditation. Psalm 119:99.

Sources 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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Thank you, David.


I don't know. how people found our personal things?

I think they have ways of looking with computers. Thank you @zomal!

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