So It Is Now 2020

in #life5 years ago


As I write it is just passed 12 midnight and now it is 2020. I just stayed home as I usually do now days on the new year. Well, I don't want to catch a falling bullet.

Yes, I have heard the fireworks and I am guessing people are shooting off their guns. I was thinking the other day, if people want to shoot their guns, instead of shooting up into the air, wouldn't it be safer to shoot down into the dirt?

Well, if one doesn't shoot the underground plumbing or wiring that is. I always try to keep my cat indoors before the fireworks happen.

So it is 2020, a year of another election. I think Trump will win in a landslide. Well, we will see how that goes. Also God used Kim Clement and Mark Taylor, and they both prophesied that Trump will have two terms.

This year I don't have to smog any of my vehicles. That is good and I will save more money because of it.

In the picture is my fireplace with a big piece of wood as I wanted the fire to burn past midnight and it is. There was a termite hole in this piece of wood. You can see the fire burning through that hole.

That is why some trees get cut down, cause of the tree getting sick with the termites. That is why I am glad for the skunks that live under my house and shed. You see skunks like to eat termites.

I did see a young skunk playing around my backyard some days ago. Well, I am glad to see them when I get to see them. I just don't want to see them when they are too close.

Sometimes I write a little then come back to my blog. Close to 3 am on the first day of 2020 and I was just watching a video called, My childhood home, then & now ABANDONED - 1354. It is put up by Bam Slade.

In the video he shows what it is now, then a picture of that part of the house with a picture of him or his mom or dad when he was a kid. Those early pictures makes me think it was around the 80's or so.

I read some of the comments of that video and people were saying that they were crying. Like at one time that house was full of life and now it is abandon and the garage looks like it is leaning too much to the right.

In other of the present time video shows that the roof is now leaking. It just makes me think I have to save money to get a new roof.

So time keeps on moving and sometimes houses get left behind and abandoned. The 1354 was the house number of that now abandoned house.

Here we are with a new year, it will make me think, how many more new years will I see? Well, God willing, I will see more as I am only 61 years old as I write.

Let's end with a scripture, I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all. Ecclesiastes 9:11.

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Thank you, David.
Image is mine, taken with my Moto G.

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