So Here I Am This Night, With A Blog That I Will Write 7.31.2020

in #life4 years ago

I got two fans, one on my left side and one on my right side and my cat is resting between my two arms as I am writing. And what shall I write this night, this early morning I should say? Well, whatever comes to mind.

Like if I was sitting at a train station waiting and there was nothing to do, but wait. Well, I guess in that situation I would look around and see if I could strike a conversation. Sometimes it doesn't always work, but it beats being bored.

What could I say in that situation? Well, a good word to break the ice is "Hello".

You know I used to always be a pretty shy guy in grade school and high school. I wish that I would have used that ice breaker more often than I did. Well, I learned, but now I am old.

Funny how all the popular people in high school gather round me at a 40 year high school reunion to say hello to me and I would talk to them. I would talk to them more than I talk to them in all four years in high school. What changed? Well, I guess I was not so upset about being shy.

You know I ended up working for the telephone company as an operator. Well, when you get paid to talk to customers, you learn to talk pretty well at times.

I would also study sales at home as I wanted to transfer to the Residential Business Office where I would have to help the customer and do sales. The people that worked there used to complain on how they hated sales.

So I thought I would study sales as when it came time for me to sell, it wouldn't bother me. Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy were my favorites to listen to. Yes I bought a lot of sales audio and listened to them in the car and at home.

It was just that I could never get my numbers high enough so that I could transfer. Then my manager came to me telling me that they are going to experiment on selling information. So I would do my job at helping the customer, but when a certain situation came up I was supposed to offer the selling of information.

Well, I got good at that, you see those sales training audio sure did pay off. I didn't get a commission as I was just paid my regular pay, but it was more fun for me to do the selling, and in selling you have to do more talking and I guess the shyness went away, when I was doing the selling.

Well, we all have to sell. I have to sell my mom into not taking a flu shot. I have to sell my brother into taking more vitamin C. So we all have to sell someone on something in life. I even have to sell my cat into coming into the house when I want her to come into the house.

Here I am, trying to sell you on continuing to read this blog and please do continue to read this blog. Well, I am glad that you lasted this far.

So I guess I am more talkative than in my grade school and high school days and here I am putting words together for you.

Thanks for sticking around till the end.

Let's end with a scripture, as it is written, For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little: Isaiah 28:10.

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Thank you, David.

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